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Curious where your taxes go? Regretfully, I don't think you're going to be too thrilled when you find out. But come read about it anyway!
It is time for leaders, not philosophers.
Our system is not a straight-ticket republic. It's some weird mix of republic and democracy. This approach is not viable.
Omnibus bills should not exist. This COVID relief bill is a clear example as to why.
Republic, democracy, fascism, socialism, communism... the list goes on. They've all failed. We need a new type of government entirely.
A democracy blackpill: The 2020 election. Look at how many votes went to Biden. It is truly terrifying.
A short, intuitive list of the core tenants and values of this website. The Hidden Dominion Manifesto briefly encapsulates our primary beliefs.
An overview of Enclavism, the government framework designed to stop the political cycle of collapse.
You probably already know that COVID is complete bullsh*t. But why don't we explain why, exactly?
Not just high. Insanely high. Sweden's taxes are insanely high and no one above room temp IQ thinks this is a good idea or role model.
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