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Judicial Watch uncovered how the California government has been forcing Big Tech to censor opponents. This shows the cooperation between centralizers.
The ultimate article on how governments fall. Addressing the anacyclosis cycle of political regime change and the cycle of collapse.
Which will they choose? Will they focus on the individual, the government, or... the community?
The government is merely a puppet of a much stronger branch of the nation: the fourth branch. Who Really Controls You?
Looking to understand the difference between a 'rule by few' and a 'rule by many'? This article covers the government forms by power source. This is a basic building block article for understanding topics on The Hidden Dominion
What does peak government dependency look like? It looks like a lot of welfare voters. Here is what you need to do in response.
Sir John Glubb developed a hypothesis that the duration of great nations usually resides around the 250 year mark. America is at year 245.
Describing the power cycle that exists between governments, institutions, and citizens. While addressing why our current governmental frameworks are failing.
A long but well-deserved read: The Fate of Empires by Sir John Glubb
First, they called it a conspiracy. Then, they called it domestic terrorism. Now, they are openly flaunting the election fraud.
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