Civilizations Collapse When They Lose Their Foundational Myths
The connection between civilizational collapse and the degeneration of their faith, religion, and foundational myths.
The Natural Order Of The Soul
We all have a spiritual nature. But under modernity, most of us can't properly feed this soul.
Who Is Actually The President?
Does anybody know?
Mob Rule Is The Solution
Switzerland shows us how it should be done. Mob rule is the way to go.
Voter Turnout In The Historic American Republic
A journey into the history of American voter turnout. Poking fun at the restorationists.
Liberal Democracy World Tour: It’s A Bomb
The Coming Population Reduction
It's almost like they are trying to reduce the population, or something.
The System Purges Those Who Would Try To Fix it
The amount of emails/comments I receive from people who still have faith in the system is abnormally high. Let's smash it down a bit.
A Sustainable Government Requires Local Funding
You can't expect a republic to survive when local funding is transformed into federal funding. It's contrary to its nature.
The Resignation Of Fauci
Join me in celebrating Fauci's retirement with a short video.
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