The Cost Of Being A Coward Has Never Been Higher
Analyzing the true cost of the coward.
Ways To Contribute: The Theologian
A necessary ingredient for dissident success that we are sorely lacking: anti-modernity theologians and other religious leaders.
The Only Place Of True Equality Is Hell
If you are seeking true equality, there is no better place than hell itself.
The Benevolent Empire: On Christian Infighting
The Benevolent Empire existed during the Second Great Awakening in the 1800s. What can we learn from their approach?
Marriage: The Most Important Decision A Man Makes
To help those still seeking, and to edify those who have already found.
Don’t Worry, The Science Says Morality Is Not Declining
Whew lads, I think we've hit a new stage of scientism. A new study recently came out claiming that morality is not declining.
“Love Your Neighbor”
What 'love your neighbor' actually means compared to what leftists who have not even read the Bible think it means.
Why It Is So Obvious?
It's a mystery... But only to some.
What The People Want Does Not Matter
We do not need to weaken ourselves or our positions because of the fleeting wind positions of the masses.
The Leviticus Punishment On America
A lesson for the United States courtesy of the book of Leviticus.
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