Does America Have The Moral Authority To Criticize Russia?
The country with a corrupt president that sniffs children probably does not have enough moral authority to criticize others.
Chinese Insistence On Homogeneity and Strength Explain Its Rise
Reviewing an interesting report: "The Strategic Consequences Of Chinese Racism: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States"
The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine
An emergency Saturday article discussing the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Thoughts, fears, and recognizing the true enemy.
On The Ukraine-Russia Situation
The White House says the invasion is imminent. Ukraine questions the West fleeing their embassies. What is going on?
Trade: The Global Transition 1960-2020
Exploring the global trade transition from 1960 to 2020. How have primary trading partners shifted over time?
A Nationalist View Of South Africa
South Africa is declining rapidly. But their suffering could be a learning lesson for the West, if only we would listen.
Tracking Covid Vaccine Compliance Rates Worldwide
A simple article sharing a useful resource for analyzing worldwide vaccine compliance rates
From Bush To Biden: A Legacy Of Failure In Afghanistan
The Graveyard of Empires takes another one.
The French Continue To Impress
The French are at it again. They continue to impress.
The Corruption Runs Deep: The Haitian Assassination
The deep state isn't even trying to hide it anymore, are they?
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