The Evil Of Ancient Carthage
Comparing Ancient Carthage to modern America.
Our Misguided Guardians
Many of our best men are trapped on the sacrificial altar of a decaying state. How do we save our misguided guardians?
Elon Musk And Satanism
Evil enjoys the limelight. It always foretells of its plans and showcases itself to the world. Musk is a great example.
Libertarians, Capitalism, and Transgender Mutilation
The libertarians and capitalists are tired of flooding our border with illegals for their god Mammon, so they're mutilating children now instead.
The Indoctrination of White Children
Over 20% of Gen Z self-identify as LGBT. This demonstrates the power of cultural indoctrination in white children.
Historical Pederasty: Not Universal
The demonic act of pederasty was not fully tolerated among the Ancient Greeks, as some historical revisionists might proclaim.
The Lessons From Transgender Detransition
Reading stories from unlikely survivors of our moral depravity.
How Did We Get To Transgender Children?
Exploring the path we took to get to transgender children.
Understanding The Reprobate: Psychopath Reprobates
We all eventually come into contact with reprobates. It's wise to understand them effectively before you do.
The Red Terror In Spain: A Lesson In Resilience
Exploring the lessons that dissidents can learn from the Red Terror in Spain.
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