Voter fraud is here to stay.
They Are Openly Flaunting The Election Fraud Now
First, they called it a conspiracy. Then, they called it domestic terrorism. Now, they are openly flaunting the election fraud.
The Cult of Covid: Branch Covidians Edition
Thank you for joining the Cult of Covid. The Branch Covidians would like to welcome you to your weekly indoctrination session.
Lessons of Trump and Q
There are a lot of lessons we can learn from the Trump and Q timeline. The most important being: Get Active. Do not wait around.
Just NPR Being NPR
NPR continues to make themselves look like corrupt, malicious journos that can’t figure out how to do any real journalism.
Comprehensive List of Voting Fraud
Two sources that provide a very comprehensive list of voting fraud instances and how they happened.
The Sheer Level Of Voting Fraud (And Coverup) is Insane
It just gets worse and worse. The sheer level of voting fraud in the United States is absolutely insane. No oversight. None at all.
Will Trump Be The One To Start The Civil War?
Trump is becoming increasingly defiant in his speeches. Rather than lay down and accept the obvious election fraud, will he fight?
Yet Another Recap on Electoral Fraud
The fraudening continues. The election was stolen. This much is obvious. What is to be determined is what will be done about it.
Comparing Voter Machines Versus Slot Machines
Guess which one is more heavily regulated: slot machines or voter machines?