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There is a lot of conflicting information surrounding organic produce. Should we actually buy organic? The answer is a resounding YES.
Don't throw away your life fighting for a political solution that is unattainable. Fight where the true victory lies.
The average conservative struggles to understand historical lies.
On the future of Western Civilization itself.
Following up on a previous article titled "Should You Vote Even Though We Have Rigged Elections?"
The Age Of Ideology has lead us directly into open idolatry, on all sides of the political spectrum(s).
An article series on ways for the average dissident to get involved. Discussing different strategies (and risk tolerances) to help our cause.
It is a grueling journey becoming a dissident. An odyssey that should not be taken lightly.
Why are they all marching here? And why now?
Get it together. Time is short and is not guaranteed. Other people being blind is not an excuse.
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