Civilizations Collapse When They Lose Their Foundational Myths
The connection between civilizational collapse and the degeneration of their faith, religion, and foundational myths.
The Natural Order Of The Soul
We all have a spiritual nature. But under modernity, most of us can't properly feed this soul.
Libertarians, Capitalism, and Transgender Mutilation
The libertarians and capitalists are tired of flooding our border with illegals for their god Mammon, so they're mutilating children now instead.
Who Is Actually The President?
Does anybody know?
The Indoctrination of White Children
Over 20% of Gen Z self-identify as LGBT. This demonstrates the power of cultural indoctrination in white children.
Mob Rule Is The Solution
Switzerland shows us how it should be done. Mob rule is the way to go.
Voter Turnout In The Historic American Republic
A journey into the history of American voter turnout. Poking fun at the restorationists.
Mass Shooters and Fact Checkers
Fact checking the fact checkers. Reviewing data from 2019 to 2020 regarding mass shooters in the United States.
A Simple Three-Step Process To Victory
Want victory over the evil afflicting our land? It's not hard. Follow these three steps and encourage others to do the same.
Historical Pederasty: Not Universal
The demonic act of pederasty was not fully tolerated among the Ancient Greeks, as some historical revisionists might proclaim.
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