BLM: “Crime Is Reparations”. If That’s True, Then They’ve Already Been Paid
It turns out we've been paying reparations for the past 150+ years without even realizing it. Crime is reparations... and we're all paid up.
The Importance Of Rejecting The Leftist Moral Framework
The right continually misses the mark. It is incredibly important to reject the leftist moral framework: we can't win until we do.
Antifa Is Organized, Coordinated, and Fully Funded
The enemy is here and wants us to think of them as weak and decentralized. But Antifa is organized, coordinated, and full funded.
Map of Demographics By County
One of the most important maps available about the United States. A Map of Demographics By County using the 2010 Census data.
On Sensitive Cultural Markers: Is Government The Threat?
What are sensitive cultural markers? Do they hold the same level of power as the government? We argue that SCMs are actually even more powerful. And especially more dangerous.
Have We “Atoned” For George Floyd Yet? Chicago On Fire… Again
Chicago is on fire again. It makes you wonder: Have we atoned for George Floyd yet? How many stolen Gucci bags until it counts as reparations?
How The People In The Future Will Look Back On Us: A Circa 2200 History Book
Have you ever wondered how the people in the future will look back on us? Take a read of this history book, circa 2200 for the answer.
Society Is Controlled By Unstable Degenerates
John Cleese finally laying down some truth in his old age. Society is controlled by Unstable Degenerates: the most power-hungry people of all
The [Much Needed] Great American Partition
Is the country too far gone to re-unify? Is it time to consider the alternative? An argument in favor of the Great American Partition.
Republicans Just Don’t Understand: It’s A War and They’re Losing
The culture war has been raging for decades. But the right apparently lost the memo. The republicans just don't understand: we're at war.
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