This Censored Article From John Hopkins Shows The Reality of COVID
The reality of covid is a lot less scary than this clown.
President of Brazil Asks The Country To Stop Being Fags About COVID
Bolsonaro: "Stop being fags about covid". Well, you heard it directly from the president of Brazil.
A Mandatory COVID Vaccine Recommendation?
A 90% effective vaccine against a virus with a 99% survival rate. What could possible go wrong?
Surprise, Surprise: Lockdowns Didn’t Work
To the absolute surprise of no one: lockdowns didn't work. So why did they occur and why are we continuing to live under similar lockdown-type mandates?
On The Lack Of Understanding Of Herd Immunity
Every single action we are taking in the fight against COVID is delaying herd immunity. This approach costs lives of those actually at-risk.
You Have A Higher Chance Of Getting Struck By Lightning Than Dying Of Covid
What do you think is more likely: Getting struck by lightning in your lifetime or dying of COVID? The truth should make you rage.
So, Covid Was Complete Bullsh*t
You probably already know that COVID is complete bullsh*t. But why don't we explain why, exactly?
Masks and Lockdowns Are Still Bullsh*t
So here we are, day 15,423 into the 15 days to "slow the spread". Yet, masks and lockdowns are still bullsh*t. This is the greatest scam ever.
More Money, More Problems: Another Idiotic COVID Bailout Incoming
Our government is now talking about implementing a COVID-19 bailout for another trillion (#4). At this point, why bother saving or tracking inflation at all?
COVID-19 And The Economics Of The Drug War
How has COVID-19 shifted the economics of the drug war? Prices up, supply down, and cartels scrambling.
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