When The Centralizers Lie
When they lie, nothing happens. So, they keep doing it.
The Illusion Of Freedom
We all live behind a curtain. Or in Plato's cave. Or in a matrix. Whichever is your preferred understanding of the illusion of freedom.
The Grey Masses And The Useful Idiots
Explaining who the grey masses and the useful idiots are. How the two are related and all about their differences. Can any be saved?
Why Such A Strong Focus On Centralization?
Diving in to why I put such a large focus on centralization and the centralizer groups. Why is it placed above all else?
The Blind Fear Of Government Misses The Mark
Pushing back against the blind fear of government while ignoring every other centralizer in the nation.
Moles, Distortioners, and Shills
Piecing it all together. How moles, distortioners, and shills are purposefully placed to conduct opinion-molding operations against you.
How Centralizers Cooperated To Conquer You Using Covid
Bringing it all together. Covid and centralizer edition.
The Impact Of Mainstream Cultural Markers Is Colossal
The sensitive cultural markers managed to change the opinion on this topic from 4% approval to 94% approval over just a few decades.
On Hating Your Own Nation
Discussing the ever-increasing trend of those on the Right who hate their own nation. Hate modernity. Not your people, country, or history.
The Five Criminal Elements Of A Mob
The rule by many framework often degenerates because of the mob. Thus, it's important to know the pieces that make up the mob to help prevent mob rule.
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