2020 and Beyond: The Scientific Dark Ages
Welcome to the Scientific Dark Ages. Courtesy of 2020
An Important Lesson In Defending The Narrative From Infiltration
Lessons from Occupy Wall Street. Why a successful movement must defend their narrative and reject all others.
What Is A Centralizer?
Discussing a popular topic on The Hidden Dominion: The Centralizer. What they are, how they function, and why they are such a threat.
What Is A Sensitive Cultural Marker (SCM)?
An article discussing one of the largest threats to the sustainability of any rule by many nation: the sensitive cultural markers (SCMs)
A Follow Up On The FBI Being The New KGB
Didn't you know? The FBI and the rest of the injustice department is the new (and improved) KGB!
The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 3: Wumao Examples
The series continues. This is Part 3 of our widely-viewed series on online opinion-molding operations. This time, targeting specific examples.
Co-Founder Of Wikipedia Says Wikipedia Is Leftist Trash
On the hostile leftist takeover of information distribution sources. Prime target: Wikipedia.
Media Manipulation: Push A False Hoax Only To Slyly Retract It Later
An example of the media manipulation tactic of running a false hoax only to retract it at a later time that is convenient for them.
Trying To Close An Amazon Account is Hell
Trying to close an amazon account? Good luck and welcome to hell.
Just Build Your Own X
When we're censored, they cheer. Because they want all of the power with none of the consequences. On the "Just Build Your Own X" philosophy.
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