How To Fix The Banking System: 15 Steps
A nationalist's perspective on how to fix the banking system.
A Scheme By Those ‘Too Big To Fail’?
Further centralization by those in the 'too big to fail' club.
China’s Zero Covid Policy: A Conspiracy Angle
I have a thrilling conspiracy for you all to ponder today regarding China's zero covid policy.
The Centralization Of Xi Jinping
Major news out of China recently: Xi Jinping cements his centralization over the CCP. What does this mean for the United States?
A Sustainable Government Requires Local Funding
You can't expect a republic to survive when local funding is transformed into federal funding. It's contrary to its nature.
The Problem With The Party System
A dissident's view of the party system. Why it cannot work and how an alternative must reconfigure the basis of the system.
World War NATO
There are a broad number of European alliances that may contribute to an international war. Sound familiar? Thanks, NATO.
The W.H.O. Attempts Worldwide Health Centralization
They won't stop in their quest for ever-increasing levels of power.
Elon Musk and Twitter: Not A Dissident Ideal
A clear example of the isolated class taking over social information distribution. This is the problem that plagues our system of governance.
When The Politburo And Mainstream Media Converge
What happens when the government pays off the mainstream media for covid vaccination coverage? A lot of wasted money and a lot of lies.
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