We’ve been assuming COVID19 is a respiratory disease. But new evidence seems to indicate that covid19 is a vascular disease. Huge implications if found out to be true, especially in regards to the vaccine.
Flu Hospitalizations “Drop” By 98%
It is truly remarkable how all of the flu hospitalizations just vanished this year. Who could have ever expected that to happen?
Quick Facts About COVID-19
A few [important] quick facts about covid-19.
Looking Back On Old Bioterror Articles In Light of COVID
Bioterrorism and COVID: Looking back on some old articles that [slightly] predicted the coming COVID crisis.
COVID No More Dangerous Than Flu – Clown World
The COVID clown circus continues. Even with evidence that it is no more dangerous than the flu.
This Censored Article From John Hopkins Shows The Reality of COVID
The reality of covid is a lot less scary than this clown.
On The Lack Of Understanding Of Herd Immunity
Every single action we are taking in the fight against COVID is delaying herd immunity. This approach costs lives of those actually at-risk.
Sorry Everybody: Freedom Is Cancelled This Year Due to COVID-19
Sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news. But the fact is: freedom is cancelled this year. Wouldn’t want you to catch a cold or anything.
Surprising Result: California Cancels Fall Semester And No One Cares
California cancels fall semester and no one cares. Nor should they care because their colleges are only teaching socialism anyway.
The Response To COVID-19 Is Ridiculous
This whole thing is being overblown. It always was. Our response to COVID-19 is ridiculous and sets a dangerous precedent.