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It’s finally going to happen, folks. I will soon be publishing the Enclavism book right here on Hidden Dominion, free of charge.
I've been working on some changes around here again. Time to get the dust off this place and introduce some new layouts.
The floodgates are now open: Here is a free invitation to send me all of your questions and topics of interest.
Christ Is Risen!
It is time for a temporary technology purge. Expect fewer articles from me during this Lenten season.
2023: What a year. Looking back at the major events of this year and making a few predictions about where we may go in 2024.
Remember to keep the true meaning in your heart throughout the day. Find my Christmas present to you inside this article.
Addressing the new article schedule for the upcoming holiday season.
I have been spending some time working on the technical side of things around here. So, we have some new features available.
A new version of the recommended reads page is live. Go check it out.
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