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The nightmares are here to stay. Are you ready? An article on surviving the fall of the western world.
It’s pretty obvious that this last year has completely changed the country’s timeline toward descent. We’re moving much more rapidly toward economic and cultural collapse than I had thought possible.
I thought we still had a few decades left. It doesn’t appear so anymore. We have maybe a decade and a half tops before some massive changes occur. At the current rate, probably sooner.
The entire cultural, financial, and structural society of the Western civilizations has fallen. It’s not coming back. The best we can do at this point is prepare for whatever lies after it and to give our all in the fight to having it go in a somewhat positive direction.
Our culture is now directed by the financial elite who have no interest in keeping any positive cultural trait or tradition alive. Our government is controlled by an illegitimate cabal that won through election fraud. Our financial system is owned by oligarchs and technocrats with control issues.
This last year not only proved the above but also accelerated their quest for centralization.
And it’s not just the US facing this. But the US is certainly at the epicenter of it. The entire Western world is facing the same problems, created by the very same centralizers. They are international and hold international aims.
You will own nothing and be happy.
The communists and fascists have simply rebranded.
Prior to the last year, there were still some questions about how the future would go. Now, I have none. They want full centralization; full control.
The usefulness of capitalism has ended for them so now they are on the warpath for socialism. A full authoritarian style of government is within their grasp and they will absolutely try for it.
This will happen within all Western nations. It’s inevitable now. Welcome to the final descent.
Inflation, The Great Rest, Build Back Better, unlimited money printing, lockdowns, the takeover of all non-fiat currencies, and every other ridiculous economy policy will all work in favor of the elites while the average person’s coffer is fully and faithfully pillaged.
The narratives, while already insane, will only continue to get worse. They will use lies, manipulation, distortion, and every other common media tactic to swindle the public away from the obvious truth staring them in the face.
And sadly, most will continue to fall for it.
Fear has been used since 9/11 on the public to get them to fall for stupid things that would eventually bring about this descent. The Patriot Act was a great test run. The new “lockdowns” are the current working model. Next will undoubtedly be policies against domestic terrorism. Where anyone that doesn’t agree with them is the domestic terrorist.
The FBI and police will hunt down every one of us to save their own family. The political elite will laugh as we’re handed 100 year sentences that comparable crimes from non-politically active individuals carry a minor fine.
Even the energy system is designed to fail. The “green” energy sources are already weak and dwindling. Easy for them to cut off, if you cause the ire of the elite.
Diversity, our supposed great ally, will continue to nosedive us to decline. Ethnic strife will distract away from the centralizers who orchestrate the strife amongst the lower classes. Oh, and remember, if you disagree with diversity you’re a racist. And if you believe any of this is happening even with the ample proof, you’re a conspiracy theorist. And if you make it past these allegations, you’re cancelled.
The financial system is most worrying, however. It’s bubble after bubble; printer after printer. The COVID “pandemic” is delaying it, but can’t delay it forever.
Even then, it’s clear who this pandemic benefited. Not you or I. But the biggest businesses, the foreign interests, the elites? Absolutely. The most active supporters of the lockdowns are companies like Apple and Amazon that have benefited from this policy more than any other policy in history. Groups and people like them have become richer than anyone could have ever imagined in such a short period of time, while small businesses are dying in numbers never before seen.
The current system, and especially its rulers, are not able to fend off these problems. They don’t care, either. They don’t want to solve them.
Open, fair, and trustworthy elections are over. Why would they care how you feel? They no longer need you to get elected.
Before, they imported millions of people to vote for them. Now, they don’t even have to worry about that. They can just use fraud to win. They don’t even need to worry about importing more people, rather only to further condemn and impoverish the native population.
While certain Western civ’s still have these elections, they won’t for long. The same tactic tried here is currently happening there too. They’re locked down, no? They are having massive immigration, no? They have elites shifting the narrative and not letting the natives speak freely, no?
It’s only a matter of time. We’re just the leaders in it here in the US, sadly.
To stop the massive economic collapse coming our way, they will need a level of tyranny never before seen. This is why there are fences at the White House. This is why the “most popular president ever elected” needed tens of thousands of soldiers to guard his virtual inauguration.
The FBI is visiting peoples homes for protesting against election fraud while the massive evidence of election fraud gets ignored. The British police beat the British citizens that protest against the takeover by non-British immigrants. The French get shutdown and put in jail for self-defense against the Islamic hordes that immigrate there and then publicly state that they hate the French.
Our culture is gone. For better or worse. The system surrounding it was never designed to survive long-term, so we can’t be too shocked. But we can be sad it’s gone, and we can fight to make a version more resilient than it in the future.
Look in the major cities around you. Does it look like what you would expect when you think of a city by Western civilization? No. They are shells of themselves. Hilarious, unrecognizable failures. Cesspools, usually.
And the saddest part is the level of weakness inherent within the populations here. On all sides. The elites themselves are cowards that hide behind their own military pawns. The “leaders” on the right of the political spectrum just bow while letting all of this happen. The useful idiots of the left don’t realize that they’re the deer in the headlights. All of them: weak, unaware, and many apathetic.
Once the economic collapse happens, the people will clamor for the government to give them their daily bread. They’ll beg for UBI, debt forgiveness, and every other economic policy that will merely exacerbate the underlying issue of centralizer control, not fix it.
We will own nothing. But we won’t be happy.
Degeneracy will become a required sticker to participate in society at all. We’ll make second and third world countries look like nice alternatives. Civil unrest is all but guaranteed once people have nothing left to lose but their time in a jail cell.
The most terrifying part of all of this to me is that domestic terrorism will simply be used for anyone that doesn’t agree with the centralizer’s narrative. We’re all terrorists now for not wanting our country to be taken over by literal communist terrorists. Convenient projection.
The US influence on the world stage is already diminishing. It won’t be long until Russia, China, India, and Brazil pass it completely. We will not be a world superpower for much longer, not under our current fraudulent leaders.
Russia is a great example. They have been building up militarily for years, they have a ton of precious metal reserves, they do not rely on the dollar at all, they are self sufficient in every key area (food/water/energy/etc) and have a fully stable economy.
Do we have any of that? Nope. Metals lessening, sole dollar reliance, absolutely no self-sufficiency, and an absolute powder-keg of an economy. Our time as a world leader is rapidly coming to a close.
Who ever could have guessed that a tyrannical communist regime would outlast our republic? I’m sure our founding fathers would be severely depressed, knowing where we are right now.
We fought the communists in Russia as the enemy and now those very same communists are just enacting their policies here.
At least in Russian society, most of the people realized they were being brainwashed. Here they think they are the opposition. The useful idiots see that their political side controls everything: the cultural institutions, academia, Hollywood, every media institution, the entire legislature, the executive, every major corporation, every international corporation, and yet they still feel like they are the ones “fighting the man”. Well, the man is pretty damn good at keeping them blindfolded useful idiots, apparently. The resistance is the pawn of the institution.
So what do we do? How do we prepare for the nightmares that are surely coming to our doorsteps within the next decade?
In no particular order:
Get self-sufficient so you don’t have to rely on the mega-corporations that hate you. Support people that fight for you. Stop supporting businesses that want to decimate your culture and history. Learn defense and get in shape. Purchase useful tangible goods to hedge against inflation. Find and foster a community. Stock up. Fight for options that will actually fix the root issue causing these failures, not just temporarily cover it up.
We have to start small to get the desired result. The first step is to get yourself in a situation where you are no longer in a position as a liability, but an asset.
However you get there is up to you. But whichever route you take, get started now. We don’t have the amount of time we thought we had left.
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My guess is that it’s all going to be over with within a year from now.
Most of the west who are getting vaccinated as we speak will be wiped out by this summer.
For all the people who will be left, EU has their mass internet censorship (or “Copyright Directive” as they call it) ready to go in less than 2 months from now, and I expect some form of China-style internet censorship for North America and Oceania as well, either California or Quebec being ahead of the rest in North America, and Victoria in Oceania.
With the lack of information other than government propaganda, it’ll become easier for the remaining westerners to get wiped out with nobody knowing it.
Some will find a way to escape to either Latin America or Africa or Asia or Eastern Europe, and will escape.
In the same way as how some of the Israeli’s escaped Israel as soon as they realized they’ve already lost to the Romans, and all the rest who stayed died.
Assuming that the rather bleak outlook for our future set out here is true — and there is certainly plenty of evidence that something bad is coming — we should prepare. Not only as individuals, but in local groups.
I highly recommend a book — Civil Defense Manual (Volumes I and II), which covers most of what a neighborhood defense group should do. []. If we can construct a loose network of local organizations which are prepared to respond to social breakdown — whether caused by humans or nature — we will be in a much better position to re-construct a civilized order.