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Support The McMichaels

A travesty of justice that fully exposes our corrupt courts. You can support the McMichaels through GiveSendGo.

support the mcmichaels

The McMichaels

Most of you already know of the McMichaels, but for those who have not:

February 23, 2020 started out normally, but before day’s end, Ahmaud’s family and my family would be indelibly entwined for eternity. What began as a beautiful and glorious spring-like day ended with a profound tragedy…. Ahmaud was dead, and his family was left without answers and grieving. It was also day one of what is now over 700 consecutive days of my husband, son and family being declared racist murderers.

It started as a typical Sunday around the McMichael home. Travis’s then three-year-old son was visiting for the weekend, and the entire family smothered him with love during his time with Travis. The weather was magnificent, a cloudless day with a near-perfect temperature of just under 70 degrees.

Greg had retired months earlier after an exemplary 30-year law-enforcement career. Today he was re-upholstering boat cushions. Travis and my only grandson ran to Home Depot and bought grass seed and came back to spread it before coming inside for lunch. His son, a typical bundle of energy for a child that age, had been up since the crack of dawn, and as any parent can attest, a nap was needed if he was going to finish the day in a happy mood. It was at or near 1:00 pm and I had taken a break from cleaning and cooking and planned to watch a movie with our daughter Lindsay.

Travis had settled in the recliner while coaxing his son to take a nap, when Greg came running through the kitchen door and shouted at Travis. “That guy that was in the house the other night just ran by here and he had it hooked up. He was hauling ass!” We all were immediately aware of what Greg was referring to.

Just days earlier, on February 11, Travis had left the house after dark to gas up his car. He worked at Kingsland’s Naval Base, and most mornings he left the house around 4:00 a.m. and generally gassed up the evening before work since his day began so early. On that evening, Travis encountered a man we now know to be Ahmaud skulking around outside Larry English’s home, which had been under construction for some time. Most of the neighborhood was aware that an unidentified African-American man had been seen on security video on the English property on several occasions dating back to late in October 2019. Several security videos had been circulated among neighbors, and a few were posted on a private Facebook page designed for the Satilla Shores neighborhood. There had been several posts about the man trespassing on the English property, and English had told neighbors that expensive gear was taken from a boat stored on the property. At least one single mom in our neighborhood reported that her children had encountered the man, and he frightened them sufficiently that they refused to play basketball in their driveway after dark.

Travis’s encounter with Ahmaud on February 11 was the direct catalyst behind Greg and Travis’s decision to take weapons when they left home to try and detain Ahmaud for police on February 23. Instead of my trying to explain it, please listen to Travis’ call to 911 after encountering Ahmaud on the English property after dark eleven days earlier.

Did you hear Travis tell the dispatcher to warn responding officers the man we now know was Ahmaud may be armed? Did you hear the stress and angst in Travis’s voice during the call? No wonder Greg and Travis armed themselves when they set out to try and detain Ahmaud so police could arrive and take over. It is so important for people to know that my guys’ sole intent was to safely detain Ahmaud long enough for the police to arrive and take over. Monday-morning quarterbacks have been relentless in judging Greg and Travis, and that’s their right. But I believe there are many who are thankful for men like them, who are loyal and dependable friends and neighbors.


Read the rest of the story through the link provided.

Leigh McMichael created a website where she discusses the events of that day, the trial, and her hopeful appeal. Find all of that here.

Both Greg and Travis were recently convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

It is a travesty of justice that both of these men were put in prison for being attacked by a known criminal. These two Good Samaritans, trying to protect their community, now face the wrath of the neoliberal anti-white clown world.

This is where the term “jogger” came from, because the leftists argued that Ahmaud Arbery was “out for a jog”, while in boots and on camera looking around houses.

In a sane country, these men would be just normal examples of community vanguards. It should be a task of the community to defend itself. But under our corrupt state, it is now illegal to do so. You have to willingly allow your neighbors to be robbed. Just call the police, who won’t arrive for an hour later when the suspect is long gone.

In the past, if criminals attempted to scope out neighborhoods, the entire community would grab pitchforks and chase them out or punish them however they see fit.

But now, communities can’t even just subdue a suspect while waiting for the police. Because in the case that the criminal fights back, you may be sentenced to jail for life.

This is no way to live. But it is how our system has devised itself.

The sentence for defending your community while white is life in prison.

We must depend on the state for everything, including our own safety. Can’t let people handle that themselves under modernity. We must have no responsibility—Thus is the curse from the Psychology of the Age.

You can support the McMichaels through GiveSendGo. Leigh is hoping for an appeal in their favor. While I am not optimistic of a favorable outcome, given how corrupt our courts are, we still must fight. Donate, get more eyes on the case, spread the word, do whatever we can. This is a needed step in that struggle.

If you cannot donate, then share it.

If you have even more available to donate, then consider also supporting Christopher Monzon. He is another one of the good ones that was brutally assaulted by deranged leftists.

Events like these are why The Prosper Strategy (Inside-The-System Strategies) is so essential. We need like-minded dissidents with money that are able to support these kind of campaigns. The leftists do this often through their financiers; we need our own.

If you are able—Support.

If you are not able—Share this, and consider taking the Prosper Strategy so you can be a contributor in the future.

Finally, pray for the McMichaels. They need it.

Read Next: Starting From The Spirit


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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