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The memes have been hitting hard recently.
The memes have been great recently. I have especially enjoyed the Taliban and empire-collapsing ones.
This one in particular caught my eye:
A single image to quickly describe a complex subject, no? It fits The Cycle of Collapse: How Governments Fall very well.
I don’t know who makes these memes still, but I love them all. The meme warriors from 2016 are still out there, in the shadows, doing what they do best.
Keep it up.
And while we’re on the subject of political compasses, I felt it would be a good time to write about my scathing hatred of the overall “left vs Right” paradigm. It’s a structure we are forced to use given the times, but I still hate it.
I much prefer the 9Axes alternative or at the very least this political compass above. Trying to explain things using only a “left” vs “Right” approach is tiresome, because it doesn’t adequately capture the actual divergences between positions and “fields” of politics, such as culture, economics, and government. A person can be “Right” on economics, but “left” on politics and “left” on culture. Or other variations.
9Axes is a fairly decent breakdown. Still not the best, nor what I would choose for my 9 fields, but about as close as I’ve found:
It’s on github and free. Give it a shot if you haven’t. And let me know your score.
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I took the short version.
I enjoyed the quiz and it had some questions that I actually had to give some consideration to. Most “quizzes” like that ask obvious questions.
I mostly agree with the breakdown scores.
I intend to go back and take the long version later today.
Does the site offer an explanation/definition of the labels assigned by the quiz results? I didn’t see anything on the site.
What was your score?
Thanks for sharing.
I don’t think the final descriptor is worth much, at least according to its source (which is 8Values). They say:
The actual axes themselves are obviously just on the page and the 8Values ones go even more in-depth:
Their other quiz is unique too. It’s here if interested: – Either are far superior to picking a label or calling yourself “left” or “right”.
As for me, I don’t remember the title they gave me, but I lean very heavily pro isolationist, markets, religious, traditionalist, and assimilationist. Slight lean federal and freedom. Middle on demo/authoritarian and militarist/pacifist. Which fits, because I hate globalism, central planning, “progress”, and multiculturalism while being against both dictatorships and democracy. I’m also overwhelmingly Right in nearly every category but with exceptions against militarism and authoritarianism, which matches my actual beliefs.
This quiz is a good basic showcase for why the left vs Right doesn’t work. You can be Right on many things but left on others or moderate on many. Very few people are pure Right or pure left, in my experience.