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Degeneracy has infected every aspect of our society. Can we stop it? This article looks into how we can stop the degeneration of society.
There is spiritual weakness widespread throughout American society.
But it is no mistake. Rather, it’s because of the engineering of society by the media and other cultural engineers.
It doesn’t take a genius to notice that these degeneration tactics are not incidental. They are fully intentional by the individuals who seek to benefit by the destruction of the non-degenerative culture.
Just look at the evidence around you. Watch the television as the actors and actresses erode the family, celebrate sexual deviancy, and devalue long-term gratification.
Listen as the pop culture tells you to abandon all hope, become emasculated or hypermasculinized, and promote lust-driven, money-focused bullsh*t. Usually with the added hint of jail and drug culture.
Or tune into the news as they tell you how you should think, why you should be censored, how evil is actually “progressive”, why you should lose your mental fortitude, and how you must tolerate their intolerance… or be punished.
You could even follow your favorite celebrity. Follow them as they teach your children the non-existent benefits of surrendering their morality to be famous, promoting hyper-promiscuity, encouraging using women as sex objects, degrading all healthy values, bowing before consumerism, supporting gluttony, and teaching them that all that matters in life is how popular you can become.
But perhaps the most important lesson you could see from these cultural markers is their hatred. Their hatred toward anything not degenerate. They don’t care about you. They don’t care about our society. Their concern is about nothing but themselves.
It is an abject focus on individualism taken to such extremes that change from an internal focus to an external hatred.
There is a reason why everyone, on both sides, call it a culture war. It is a struggle that will destroy the lives of millions and will impact every party involved regardless of outcome.
The chosen kings and queens of this degenerative culture don’t want you to notice these trends. They don’t want you to be educated. They want you to be a docile consumer of whatever cultural symbol they wish you to be indoctrinated with.
And they do this on purpose. The more we fall, the more they go up. It may not be zero-sum, but it is damn close.
Few people would argue that society is not degenerating in some manner. Even the degenerates themselves will point out other degenerates outside their basecamp.
There was a time when degeneracy wasn’t promoted on TV. When kids weren’t forcibly exposed to sexualized environments. A time when uplifting and moral content was the only content taught, perpetuated, and encouraged.
That time has long since passed.
Now, it’s quite the opposite. Now, they promote everything against these healthy benchmarks.
No mention is given to support the elevation of the American mind, spirit, or body.
The media, the entertainment industry, the celebrities, and the rest of the lot are all on the same side. They are the cultural markers in this country and their kind are evident in every other country.
So what side are they on? Their side is the opposite of you and I.
The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we can actually fight back.
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Absolutely right, but what’s the answer?
In the title: neutralize them. A government framework with community media. Instead of for-profit (oligarchical) media or state-sponsored media.
Nothing could ever be fully perfect, but community media is far better than the alternatives. It’s at least accountable, which the other two aren’t.