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An article on the GameStop shenanigans. Looks like our stock trader friends have figured out that centralizers exist. How exciting!
Going off my normal M-F routine for a Saturday Special due to the overwhelming ridiculousness coming out of Wall Street.
Here is a brief, nontechnical breakdown for those unaware:
Financial elite use many tactics to accumulate wealth and screw over the average investor. One method is through a “short”. A short, in non-technical terms, is when you borrow a stock from a broker and sell it immediately at its current price. Then you hope it falls in price, so you can buy the stock back at a lower price, and return the shares you borrowed to your broker. Thereby, keeping the difference.
Example: I short X stock at the current price of $100. I now have the $100 I spent but now I owe my broker 1 share of the stock. If the stock drops to $70, I now buy the stock at $70 and give the share back to my broker, keeping the $30 difference. Inversely, if the stock grows to $500, I now have to rebuy the stock at $500, losing $400.
In a way, a short is a way to bet that a company will lose. It’s like going into a casino and betting against another better. It’s a pretty douchey thing to do and serves no real purpose in the financial world besides making it easier for centralizers to exploit money.
So, what happened was a bunch of regular people realized that the financial elite were manipulating the GameStop stock by shorting it. So, they said screw you and bought so much of it that the financial elite started to lose billions in their short positions. The financial elite then had to buy back the stock at significant multitudes higher than the original value.
All of Wall Street is now coming in and saying that the public joining together to manipulate the market should be illegal. Just like how they get together and manipulate the market with billions of dollars in short positions. Thus, the hypocritical and ironic part. They lost at their own game to the average person for once.
This is the power that the people have. It is an unrecognized power, but a power that we have. In numbers, they cannot beat us. The financial elite are significantly underpowered compared to us even when they do not appear as so.
We can fight back. Wall Street screws us; we bankrupt them. There are methods. This is but one method that has now demonstrated, beyond a doubt, success.
Just like the storming of the capitol showed that politicians and our political system is not invincible. They want you to think that they are. But they are far from it.
They are weak; reactionary. A strong, united average-citizen class is the only unstoppable force in a nation. Nothing else.
These people subjugate us on a daily basis. They have made billions while the average person is unemployed with their business destroyed. Any action which takes some form of power back into our hands should be encouraged. The short squeeze against GameStop is but one instance of it.
Even in retaliation, numerous lapdogs of the elites like Robinhood and Interactive Brokers tried to ban buying any more of the stock to help stop the hemorrhaging from the financial elite:
Citadel is a hedge fund that owns Melvin Capital Management.
Melvin is a GameStop short seller losing billions due to the short squeeze.
Citadel owns Robinhood.
Citadel banned purchases of new GameStop shares on RH.
Guess who works at Citadel?
Ben Bernanke, the Fed Reserve Chair during the 2008 financial crisis.
It’s an internal club of elites and you’re not in it.
But they could only do it for so long. It’s only gone up since then. They’ve already lost and are filing bankruptcy, not having the liquidity necessary to keep it covered until (if) it declines.
This entire ordeal also goes to show how the fraudulent Biden administration is not on the side of the people they used to get into the White House. They immediately swooped in to help their hedge fund buddies by trying to manipulate the markets in favor of the bad bets of financial elites.
In literal words, the head of NASDAQ said that they had to manipulate the market so that the financial elite wouldn’t be hit too hard. Have they ever done that for the average person? ’08 ring any bells?
In spite of everything, the elites keep showing all of their cards, not realizing how many average citizens they are disenfranchising. Us on the right have been here for awhile, but now they’re coming for others. Sooner or later, everyone will realize that we’re all in this boat together. The average citizen versus our ruling caste. Nothing else.
Expect these elites to keep yelling at us about “unity”, all the while doing their very best to absolutely annihilate every dissenter and every person that wants to fight against these financial elite that continually steal wealth from them. It’s not unity, it’s subjugation. It never was unity.
Everything is fake. Even the markets are centralized in the interest of the financial elite. This whole ordeal proves that to any reasonable person. It’s important that everyone pushes the fakeness narrative whenever we can. Because it’s impactful, even for the non-politically involved. They recognize the truth in the statement. It plants the seed of dissent.
So, without further ado, in our country:
And now, even our markets are fake.
The system is not working. It hasn’t worked for a long time.
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