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Susan Rice Scandal

Stefan Molyneux Nails the Susan Rice and Mainstream Media Scandal

Stefan Molyneux nailed my feelings on the Susan Rice scandal. It's simply collusion between the mainstream media and corrupt politics.

Susan Rice ScandalStefan Molyneux nailed my feelings on the Susan Rice scandal. It’s simply collusion between the mainstream media and corrupt politics. The fact that anyone could monitor a political candidate while obviously looking for ways to subvert them is absolutely evil. Far more damaging than what Nixon did, but with no punishment. “Scandal-Free Obama”… yeah, right.

But: It makes me feel pretty good about Trump. If the worst they could find on him is the “grab her by the _____” over a decade ago, even when constantly monitoring him throughout the election, that’s a good sign.

Because we all know if they found more, it would have been “leaked”. IE: Susan Rice would have handed it over to the media and Obama who colluded with her.

Anyway, here’s the video for anyone interested:

Give it a watch. Well worth the time.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

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