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Providing a much needed status update for the Enclavism book. It's in the final stretch and I now have an expected release date.
I know I’ve been putting it off for a while. A status update is past due. The ad in the sidebar is starting to look stale.
But I promise progress is being made every week. This is a hefty project and just this piece of it is about three years in the making at this point. It wasn’t going to be fast, and I knew that going into it.
I’m close to the end. I’ve written it, developmentally edited it, line-edited it, and now I’m doing my final read through before I toss it to a legit copyeditor. It’s clocking in at a massive 285,000 word count and most online calculators put that word count at somewhere between 600-700 pages.
So, that’s why it took so long. It’s not a quick read or a small manual. I’m trying to go into excruciating detail about the entire cycle of collapse of civilizations and address a fix to it, which is no small task. Can’t fit that into a weekend-read kind of book. Should of probably started with an easier topic for a first book, but why not go all in?
But like I said, it’s fully written and the hardest editing parts are done. I’m doing one final read through and then it’s officially go time. I’m going to release a first small limited batch to some of my personal acquaintances in February 2022. Hoping to have it fully up and running along with the website by March-April, but that may be a bit optimistic. Depends on how fast that copyeditor can turn it around for me.
I do believe that this book could help out our people tremendously. I wouldn’t have put thousands of hours of my life into it if I thought otherwise. This information is essential for our side to understand. If we don’t know the problem, we can never truly fix it.
I’ll have a full website solely for the new venture, the book, and various other things soon. I may also start podcasting about the book for a few episodes after the release. We’ll see how it goes. I’m hoping to sell it on every platform that will accept it, but I’m also going to provide personalized copies directly off my own website and ship them out personally, so my readers can avoid the third-party sources if needed. Best to keep the options open, as the censorship will probably get worse as the country progresses.
Here is the book blurb, to hopefully get some of my readers excited/interested for its release:
Throughout history, nations have been experiencing a continual cycle of rise, decline, and rebirth. No nation has found a means to escape it. This cycle has created the most damaging governments and the most horrific atrocities in our entire history.
Many books addressing the decline of a nation deliver only problems and helplessness. The aim of this book is to do the opposite. It is an initial incursion into developing a sustainable solution. The political philosophy that comes out of it, Enclavism, has an idealistic goal. That goal is the conquest and defeat of this cycle of collapse.
Within this book, I explain the political cycle of collapse, formulate a new theory on it, and provide a governmental framework resistant to it. This government would be the first of its kind, one specifically built to withstand the test of time and provide its citizens with sustainability for generations to come. A government that could offset the creeping degeneracy that brings about the downfall of even the greatest civilizations.
Little progress can be made for the betterment and future of humanity until we address the constant degeneration of our great societies. No nation that will degenerate is worthy of passing on its legacy to our next generations. Nor is it truly free. Only a nation that will remain firm in its commitment against the cycle deserves our valor and sacrifice. Building this alternative is the grand goal that I have set out to do.
It’s been an absolute mammoth of a project, and I’m glad it’s finally about to reach the final stretch.
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I am interested in purchasing a copy of your book. I enjoy your articles and value your hardship in getting out the info. Shoot me an email [email], when your book becomes available. Thank you, Kaisar??
Thank you K G, I will let you know once it’s out.
Hi Kaisar! Fantastic read, thank you! Can I please buy your book now? I know you updated that it should be available for purchase here around March/April, but my goodness am finishing up with Graham Handcocks “Footprints …” and Enclavism would be an amazing next!!!! Thank you!
Hey April, thanks for the kind comment. Sadly, it’s still with the editor, but we’re still on track for March/April. I should have it out and ready to go very soon now. Thanks!