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A proper foundation must be of the spirit, not the physical.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that the culture can be fixed directly by implementing some physical solution. For example, by changing a law or mandating certain things.
Many people also make the mistake that moral decadence is a by-product of the culture or something else that could be fixed directly.
You hear this often with the normiecons when they say things like “we just need to go back to the constitution“. This implies a physical document will fix the spiritual ailments exhibited by the degenerative culture, which is wrong.
But you also hear this with the rational materialist dissidents when they say things like “we need a white ethnostate” or their other usual form of hyper-focus on genetics or some other physical piece. While the rational materialist may not be wrong on the physical reality, they also attempt to solve a spiritual problem with a physical solution.
In effect, both groups try to implement a physical solution to a spiritual problem. One group is just correct about the physical reality, whereas the other is not. But both miss the bigger picture of it being a spiritual problem.
Both of these will fail, because they attempt to use the lower to solve the higher.
All of Europe once had relatively pure white ethnostates with the genetics that the rational materialists desire, and that did not prevent them from ending up where they are now. We once followed the constitution, and that also did not prevent where we are now. Because it’s not just about the physical reality, but the spiritual nature of the nation itself. It’s the soul of a people.
If that national soul is weak, it does not matter what physical thing you try to do to fix any spiritual problem, it simply won’t be fixed.
Instead, what actually needs to happen is that we need to start from a spiritual foundation.
Culture is an expression of the national soul. Therefore, culture has its roots in something else. It is not independent. The physical attributes of culture only appear because of the spiritual underpinnings that allow them to. This is why different peoples will display different souls, even given near exact same conditions.
Culture shows us the underlying soul of a people. It is why the culture is so different for us now than it was in the past. Because the soul has degenerated, thus the culture with it.
This is easily observable by comparing generational time periods. It can be done on a microscale by comparing the younger generations against the boomers. Wherein, we clearly see a different soul of that generation, and therefore different cultural outputs, even to the point of beliefs and mindsets about things.
Or it can be compared on a macroscale. Compare all of those alive today to all of those alive during the revolutionary period in America. It should go with little debate that the mindset of both generational time periods would be the polar opposite of one another. They wouldn’t even understand us, nor us them.
It is because our people’s soul is fundamentally different and has fundamentally changed.
It is not just that some random, cultural, physical pieces have changed. But that the true, incorporeal essence of the people was altered.
But if the culture is objectively degenerate, then the soul had already been degenerating for a long time to allow it to express in such a manner. It takes time for a soul to reflect in the culture.
I will repeat it ad nauseam: Culture is not just the sum of all the physical inputs. It is not some lever that can just simply be swung up and down.
It can, however, be attacked with authoritarianism or totalitarianism. Note: I don’t mean these terms in the emotional sense, just the strict technical sense.
There’s only two ways to change a culture:
This is because culture is an output, even though we usually think of it as an input. Culture is the output of the national soul. If the soul is healthy within the national people, then the culture that is produced by those people will also be healthy. If it is not, it won’t.
This is where so many people get it wrong. They think they can fix the culture by altering cultural outputs or mandating cultural pieces like production items such as art pieces, architecture, or media. But this is not how it works. Those pieces come from a very specific expression of a soul.
The only way to truly alter it on a permanent basis is through complete control over the items for a long period of time. Or by fixing a broken national soul.
We often talk about the former instead of the latter. But the former is just a Band-Aid. It won’t repair the soul, it won’t correct the conditions that allowed the soul, and it won’t alter the system that allowed that soul to form.
What I’m trying to get at here is an understanding that there’s nothing we can really do in the tangible physical sphere to fix what’s happening to us. It is a spiritual issue. Therefore, it needs a spiritual solution.
The people that think this can be fixed in the physical realm are misguided and they are creatures of the very thing that has degenerated them (rational materialism demands a focus on the material, but this form of materialism itself is a degeneration of a normal position which includes the spirit).
They have the mindset beliefs, thought processes, morality, scientific understanding, and a plethora of other pieces of their soul that have been woven into them from degenerative modernity.
This is why dissidents, traditionalists, and similar groups tend to be so focused on getting people to withdraw from modernity. It is because in doing so, you’re not just breaking off physical ties; you are actually building a new national soul with a small group of enclaved individuals that is distinct from the current corrupt degenerative soul.
The materialist dissidents often still get this wrong on principle even though they support the idea. This is because they think it’s just an economic factor of switching your financial support to some other physical arena or that the physical institutions will help us in the coming revolution. While they may be partially true, they miss the bigger picture. A true rebellion against this modern world involves a new spiritual beginning. We have to leave it spiritually to form that new soul. The physical aspects are a secondary benefit.
Take Franco, for instance. He was a great leader. He successfully fought off the Red Terror and defeated a horrifically corrupt, wicked leftism that was overtaking Spain at the time. But he could not sustain, because he only focused on the physical. He took over the institutions, and fought the war, and had the military—But he did not do enough for the national soul. So, once he was gone, so was his system. And the people began degenerating right again from where they left off under a new liberal democracy. There was no spiritual revival, only a temporary physical defense.
The exact same thing will happen here if we follow the rational materialists.
We need to withdraw from modernity. But we also need to start with the proper position, and that position does not include a physical beginning. We will not solve this with physical solutions. Any attempt to do so will fail.
Our nation has gotten to this point because evil has taken over key cultural institutions in an authoritarian manner and has used them to continually hammer the national soul for decades. We are also far too affluent for our own good. It has made us weak tolerant, apathetic, afraid, and hopeless. This happened slowly at first without most of the older generations recognizing it. Now it is happening fast with ours.
Which is why we have to break away, because we can’t reclaim those institutions, and we don’t have decades to alter it back to a healthy position on a civilizational level. We have to build our own, and that only comes through a natural gravitation of a people to something healthier. But we have to have that alternative first.
We are also all still stuck in this corrupt national soul, whether we like it or not. We need to be aware of this and cautious of everything that we consume and even as far as how we think, because this corrupt degenerative soul is still impacting us, even as we try to break away.
The spiritual revolution must start within each of us. We need to return to that core separation.
We need to think differently, we need a different morality, we need our own foundational myths, we need a different mindset toward our future, we need a different idea of beauty, and so on down the line. These are things that make up the inner core of who we are, and what we want our national soul to be. It truly begins with us.
If we don’t do this, then whatever end result we get at the end of this struggle will be merely physical and ever-changing just like the last.
The people so focused on data and science and physical components of this world don’t get this. But whatever creation they could come up with will be just as bad as this one given a few years, as history clearly shows.
We do not need more physical solutions for our spiritual problems.
And we do not need more of this corrupt modern world.
More so than anything else, we need a new, born-again soul.
And it starts with each of us.
Break away.
Read: The Weak Church: Soft Christianity
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