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Some Ranting From Captain Blackpill

Captain blackpill reporting in for duty, sir.

captain blackpill

Captain Blackpill Reporting In

My mindset philosophy is to always remain realistic about our situation. I don’t want to lean toward either the optimist or the pessimist positions. Whatever reality is, I want to uncover and accept it. Even if that means being wrong consistently and having to face increasingly difficult questions regarding things I’d rather not confront. I believe the realist approach is the only way to discover real truth, and through that truth, real understanding.

We must have that kind of understanding to make meaningful change in this world. Without it, there can be no real progress in the traditional sense, because it would only be “progress” forward through an imagined, false reality. That kind of reality will always stumble and fail because it is not real, it is only falsely perceived. But real truth—The natural order, the human condition—Does not change. We just choose to play pretend until the collapse. We have to understand these and other truths to enact meaningful change. This is true not just on an individual level, but especially on a societal level. I believe the realist path is the only path to this understanding, much similar to the Stoics.

Where are we right now, according to a realistic interpretation? The situation we are in is dire and we’re doing poorly in managing it. But the situation is not unmitigable. We have a chance to conquer this problem and resolve the issues at hand. This is neither an optimistic view nor a pessimistic view. We have a chance at correction, albeit on a regional—not national—scale, but it is not guaranteed nor inevitable.

But sometimes, even with a realist mindset, it’s hard not to fall into the dreaded blackpill. Especially as of late for me personally.

I’ve done a lot of reflecting lately. But reflecting on the last two years is rough. Prior to the covid pandemic, I at least held on to a tiny sliver of hope that if the situation deteriorated to a certain point, historic American revolutionary-ism would make a return. If not in a full-blown revolution, at least in the form of some minor, wimpy resistance.

We didn’t have either.

They took everything, and we did nothing.

The centralizers took whatever they wanted and then graciously gave us back a fraction of it. Meanwhile, our grey mass population cheers on their “victory” of being willingly given the small fraction, claiming that they fought for it even though we did nothing. It’s so easy for the elites to play the population and make them not even realize they are being played.

The American population is an incredibly weakened, consumerist population. It wasn’t always this way, but it has become as such. We’re obese cows living off the land that the wolves own.

The cow-American relationship joke used to be a self-deprecating joke, but post-covid it’s more reality than a joke. We’re literally getting pumped full of random chemicals and foods to get fattened, they’re beginning to manage our reproduction, we’re being milked for every paltry sum we earn, and we’re all being given mandated vaccines whenever the higher-ups demand it. There really is not that much difference between a cow and the average American consumer at this point.

And very few were willing to do anything about it. They just went about their lives the past two years, hoping everything would just magically fix itself.

The government forcibly and illegally shut down small business and caused the greatest transfer of market share from small to large business in history. Billionaires and mega-corporations had some of their greatest years ever. Small businesses were annihilated. No one did anything.

We were forced to put on face diapers for years or not be able to buy groceries or get medical treatment. No one did anything.

Our children were forcibly masked, cut off from proper social development, and bullied into thinking this was normal. They will have trauma from this for years to come. In many places, it is still ongoing. No one did anything.

There is a massive likelihood that the 2020 election was stolen. Now, I obviously don’t care about Trump gaining office, but it’s the principal of the matter. Our elections aren’t valid or secure. We have no to minimal say in the ruling of this country as it is. The elections are largely our last piece that gives us a very minor level of oversight over the ruling class. There is no “democracy” or “republic” that most people clamor on about without fair elections. Half, or perhaps most, of the population believes the election was fully stolen. No one did anything.

The entire economy has been tanking. We’re facing massive inflation, which is creating some basic survival issues for us poor folk. We have massive shortages and supply line issues, and it’s only getting worse. The government continues to print trillions of dollars while simultaneously shipping significant amounts of this money to foreign countries like Ukraine and Israel instead of helping us out. No one did anything.

Houses are astronomical in cost and the ruling centralizers continue to allow millions more migrants to flood the country when there is already a housing shortage. We’re actively being overrun by populations that later turn to hating the native population. No one did anything.

Then the grey masses cheered when the centralizers opened the gate to a new, micro-chipped gated pasture. Acting like they somehow “won back” their liberty, which was willingly tossed back to them as scraps. If it wasn’t so depressing, it’d be great for a comedy show.

The above is such a small recollection of the massive list of transgressions against the American nation in just the past two years. It is truly remarkable. At this point, the centralizers could practically do whatever they want with a guarantee that the vast bulk of Americans will do one thing and one thing only: absolutely nothing. They’ll talk like they would, but then they’ll go straight to their couch to watch their cultural indoctrination on Netflix and eat a Twinkie.

I was at least somewhat convinced that the boomers that ranted and yelled about freedoms my entire life would stand up since they are old and on the way out, anyway. But instead, they’re the most vaxxed population of all. They are just as scared and afraid. And you can barely hear them talk about freedom while their voice is muffled from them wearing a government-mandated face diaper. You truly cannot make this stuff up.

But it’s not like millennials offer more hope. Most of them are too busy protesting in favor of slaughtering babies or cross-dressing to take a few minutes to petition the government to not treat us like the cows. Even the fabled Gen X, in usual fashion, is often nowhere to be found. Probably hiding in the woods somewhere.

I’m not sure if there is much hope for the American population. There are far more in the grey masses than I originally assumed. The old saying was that one-third are saved, one-third can be saved, and one-third can never be saved. I feel like it’s more of a 70/30 split at this point, with 70 that can’t be saved and maybe a 15/15 split on the already saved and can save buckets. Hell, even that seems generous.

On one hand, you have the few colorful right-leaning people above that did nothing to stop any of this. Then you have the leftists that encourage and want more of this. They beg to be treated more like cows and to force everyone to be as cow-like as them. We’re stuck with the few of us left that tried some local activism and are doing their best to draw in the grey masses to resist. Usually, with little backup. And regrettably, without much luck.

I don’t know if this nation can be saved. We’re on the brink as it is. It’s possible the point of no return has been passed. We may have to just ride this wave, let the population crash, and try to keep as many of us nationalists/traditionalists alive to hold the torch through whatever is to come. If even only a few of us survive it, we can have a chance to plant the seed once again in the future.

While I had low faith in the population two years ago, it’s bordering on zero now. I only have faith in those of us who can carry the torch. I hold more in common with a nationalist from Croatia than I do with the average American anymore, and that’s sad—But it’s also reality. And us dissidents have to live in reality, no matter how harsh it may be to us.

And that really was the point of this rant. We have to accept reality. That reality is a harsh one, especially post-covid. There is a chance we can right the ship, but it is diminishing by the day and it is an uphill battle. It is not unconquerable, but it will not be simple. The solution will also not be convenient or mainstream, those solutions will not work anymore. The demographics aren’t there to make them work. Our national soul isn’t strong enough to make them work. We have to reach for the extreme solutions.

But that’s enough ranting from me.

There was plenty of good that came from the past two years as well. A better understanding of the reality of the human condition and our surroundings is never a bad thing, although it can sometimes cause contention and anger at first. Many of us likely clenched on to the idea that the American population would be a resistant and fighting population. Now that the true reality of the population has reared its head, we can start planning and organizing around it appropriately. We no longer have the false assumption that is holding us back or providing false hope. We now know what we must do, because we know what others cannot or will not do.

Learning the reality of our situation is the only way we can accurately work to correct it. But we must accept it and move on. Learn from it and plan accordingly.

I must admit though, the last two years have been one hell of a hard reality to accept.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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