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The ideas and groups that permeate on social media are not at all reflective of American society as a whole.
No social media really reflects the population it serves. It’s important to remember this while you’re consuming any content on those platforms.
They’re not run with the average demographic in control.
We’ll use Twitter as an example in this article but they’re all like this.
Twitter is run mostly by foreigners, leftist women, and people with multiple accounts. They are all a small but very vocal minority.
Even most accounts aren’t American.
Consider Twitter:
Audience geography
?? United States 28.8%
?? India 13.3%
?? Japan 12.7%
Not even 30% of the user base is American.
Resulting in over 70% of users that aren’t even American.
With the vast amount of foreigners in mind, see the following image:
So we are far from a representative sample of the population, even further after you account for the foreign population and the vocal minority population.
But people are still getting news from Twitter:
Even though the demographic representation is overwhelming 99% catty liberal women, corporations, and foreigners, which is reflected in their leanings:
It’s an echo chamber filled with people too moronic to realize it that is directed by centralizers and PR firms.
This is true of all social media. Twitter was just an easy example.
Delete these social media websites, stop linking to them, and laugh at anyone that says they use it. If you must use social media use decent alternatives like Gab, Minds, or a decentralized option.
And obviously don’t get your news from such centralized, partisan sources.
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On Addressing The Constant State Of Rage We All Feel
Opinion-Molding Operations Part 2
Media Manipulation: Push A False Hoax Only To Slyly Retract It Later
Unsurprisingly, We’ve Lost Even More Social Media Accounts
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