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Social Engineering

Social Media And Social Engineering

Comparing the social engineering of the West to the East. How Big Tech and social media differ from their eastern counterparts.

Social Engineering

Social Engineering

If you have not yet seen any of the Russian and Chinese social media algorithms, I’d heavily recommend a dive into that rabbit hole. I found them very interesting.

Our TikTok looks polar opposite to China’s TikTok. The Russian Telegram sphere is not at all like the American Telegram sphere. This is not accidental.

The Chinese and Russian social media platforms (non-Western variants) are largely influenced and “overseen” by the politburo in their respective countries. Meanwhile, here in the West, they are influenced and overseen mostly by the isolated class/SCMs that dominate them.

TikTok is an especially egregious violater. It’s hard to not clearly see the app as a cultural weapon when you view them side-by-side. The Chinese TikTok highlights glorious Chinese achievements, nationalism, and honorable traits straight to the top. Ours highlights underage women dancing like adult prostitutes, morons getting famous, and other unfiltered degeneracy.

The Eastern variants use Big Tech to socially engineer their population into beneficial interests. They create algo’s that encourage things like science projects, learning how medicine works, proper development of children, life hacks, cool engineering things, essential skills, and the like.

Meanwhile, the Western variants overwhelmingly socially engineer our populations into harmful interests. Look at a recommended feed on Snapchat or TikTok for a quick confirmation of that. It’s nothing but degenerate whores, stupidity, anti-Americanism, and the like. It is rare to come across something beneficial that is culturally sound and significant. Therein lies the risk with unaccountable, “free market”, social media organizations.

But that is not the only reason. This is likely also due to the position of anacyclosis, more so than the actual “leader” of the platform or the nationality. The politburo-led rule by few and rule by one have an incentive to have a strong and work-driven (albeit compliant) population. Whereas the isolated class-led rule by many/rule by few desires a further disintegration and demoralization to further break down the population so they can centralize further.

In short, one already has power and wants to increase their power base through strengthening the population in their interests. The other is still striving to secure more power, so must diminish the power of the population accordingly. The easiest way to do so is to dumb them down and make them dependent and degenerate.

I can’t seem to find any examples of an actual decentralized, majority-used social media. I’m not even sure it could exist given the natural order. The grey masses like stability and normality, not freedom. If one hypothetically did exist, I imagine the SCMs would rapidly target it, or it would be mob ruled by the grey masses.

Given those two options, I’m not sure which one is worse, honestly. There doesn’t seem to be a good option for handling social media, considering our current state.

All three: the rule by many, rule by few, and rule by one have no good method of dealing with social media. This is because they are legacy frameworks, designed long before social media existed.

Ideally, if we had an accountable politburo, we could give them the reins while allowing societal contributors a means to carefully watch over them. That would be my first gut instinct as the best option. The politburo could keep the isolated class and SCMs in check so that they could not overly influence it (Just like Russia/China), but the contributors could keep the politburo in check if they overstepped their boundaries (Unlike Russia/China). It is not flawless, but it’s probably the best of no truly good option.

Still, there is no perfect solution for Big Tech. Any option has some obvious and glaring flaws.

Its entire purpose from the beginning was social engineering, so to change it to something virtuous now is likely not possible. The best we could do is make sure that the tool is not what it is now, and to then keep it somewhat accountable to actual societal contributors instead of the grey masses.

Either way, if you really want to see the sheer stupidity of the West, go look at those algorithms. Compare Chinese and American social media. Go check out what Russia highlights, then look at our top lists. It’s night and day.

And regretfully, we’re the ones in the dark.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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