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We know the elections are rigged, at least to some capacity. So the question arises: should you vote given the fraudulent conditions?
We know the elections are rigged, at least to some capacity. So the question arises: Is voting worthwhile given the fraudulent conditions of our elections?
Let’s consider three options.
If an election is fully rigged with a determined victor, then it doesn’t matter whether or not you vote. It doesn’t necessarily hurt the cause to vote, but it doesn’t help to vote, either.
Given the condition that an election is partially rigged, it would help to vote to assist in the chance that it was not rigged heavily enough. It may or may not hurt to abstain, depending on how rigged it is.
Given the condition that an election is not rigged, it would be the highest harm to not vote and the highest gain to vote.
In no situation is there a scenario where it hurts to vote. In some situations it may not help, but it causes nothing negative to occur. Voting is a small, easy thing to do. So the costs are minimal if costs exist at all.
The problem with not voting due to recognizing the rigging is that the person who should vote will then be the one not voting. The people who actually know what’s going on will abstain, where the oblivious will vote. We’ll be stuck with nothing but idiots and those who know nothing about the current elections. This will lead to accelerationism.
By not voting, you are not “withdrawing consent” or any other such nonsense. The state and its ruling class could be “elected” with twenty people and wouldn’t care. Reduced voting populations do nothing to assist with derailing accelerationism or delegitimizing the ruling class. The ruling class owns the media. They will just make sure the media won’t talk about it.
Even considering rigged elections, should more people vote, it requires the ruling class to do much more rigging that can be caught. Such as in the instance of the 2000 mules documentary. If everyone on the right gave up on voting, they wouldn’t even need to commit the rigging, and thus would not get caught.
The riggers getting caught help us tremendously, because it pushes regular conservatives into the dissident camp when they realize the system is not salvageable. We need more people to distrust and disdain the system. This is acquired only with instances like the 2020 riggers.
In many ways, the 2020 rigging was a huge aid to us—We don’t have to deal with Trump any more, and we had a wave of right-wingers that have now lost faith in the system. This couldn’t have occurred if right-wingers gave up voting. The riggers needed so many additional votes that they got caught because of the magnitude of the fraud.
So, I would argue that voting is an inside-the-system tactic that is worthwhile if paired with an outside-the-system focus. Vote to annoy the ruling class, to make it harder for them to cheat, to force them to be careless, and just to be a general nuisance. It’s small and costs nothing.
However, there is one exception. If you are stuck with a choice between a RINO or a democrat, such as the case in PA now that they let Oz take the ticket, I’d say sit out. If there is not at least a neutral option, there is no reason to partake. In this case, you’d be voting between the uni-party or the uni-party, so there really is no point in partaking. This can actually harm us, because it allows fake right-wingers to continue to infiltrate the GOP. But, it will also harm us if the other party wins. So, your best option is to sit out or toss it to a third party. Put your effort into assisting in the next primary so you don’t have that dilemma come the general election.
So, in summary, vote given certain conditions. Always vote in primaries where it matters. It costs nothing and does no harm. Even if the vote is rigged, it requires them to rig it more. Making it more likely that they will get caught.
The people arguing against voting are likely demoralizers and distortioners. I’d argue a bulk of them are likely leftists, hiding as right-wingers. If the situation was reversed and leftists suddenly lost faith in the election system, I’d encourage them to stop voting too. It’s a viable strategy.
We are dissidents because we don’t believe that the current system can be saved, so an in-the-system strategies won’t lead us to victory. Therefore, voting won’t save us. But it won’t hurt us either. We can still use the system to our advantage when it is a viable option.
We need more time to build communities and friendly institutions to actually succeed, and voting can help us acquire that extra time in certain circumstances. Voting can also heavily annoy the ruling class, which is always an enjoyable and worthwhile experience in itself.
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2020 is already the example that proves your logic as flawed. People were warned in advance of the steal, and they turned out in large numbers to vote anyway. People watched the steal happen in real time. Fraud big enough to be completely obvious to anyone not under the influence of the media gas lighting.
Stop the Steal grassroots movement formed and resulted in multiple HUGE demonstrations in DC. Once it was clear that these people weren’t going away, the Enemy chose to run an operation to discredit and demonize them. Political and media traitors have outed themselves by siding with the J6 nonsense.
It’s been two years and another election cycle is here and NOTHING has changed. Nobody has been held responsible by the DOJ. States haven’t overturned the 2020 results. They haven’t even made significant changes to equipment and procedures that would prevent future identical vote fraud operations.
The cost of voting you missed is the opportunity cost of doing something different instead of continuing to participate in a knowingly fraudulent system. Your complicity only serves the Enemy.
Election fraud was occurring long before 2020, but because of the magnitude of the fraud there are far more people who now distrust the election system and overall political legitimacy of the United States. Over half of right-wingers polled do not trust the election systems now, when that number used to be in the single digits. Do not discredit the effect this has. This is exactly what we need, a discrediting of the system to encourage others to start thinking outside of the system. We can’t have that without instances like this. If we would always win within the system, we would not need to change the system. That is just the reality of the situation.
The 2020 election was rigged mostly by a few counties with ardent leftists acting independently with mail-in and absentee ballots. It required a lot of groundwork and a lot of decentralized activity, which is why they got caught. It is also something that can be overcome, such as the example of the 2016 election where fraud definitely occurred but was outmatched by voting. This is a partial rigged election, which means enough votes can influence things, or at least require them to be messy enough to get caught. In either of those conditions, it is a benefit for us.
Had Trump only received 10M votes because people like you dissuaded everyone, that massive spread of awareness would not have happened. We’d still have single digit illegitimacy ratings and a massive void of dissidents. The fraud was large enough that even gray mass NPCs have picked it up, even with non-stop assaults by the media trying to decry otherwise.
Please read the full article, I gave numerous reasons why rigging is expected and why rigging can still be a good thing for dissidents, even given rigged elections.
Why would you expect anything to change? If it did, the system would be viable. This is incredible pessimism–Focus on a realism mindset, not pessimism. We have millions more aware right-wingers, the number of dissidents are growing at rates not imaginable to the dissidents pre-2016, and numerous states have changed laws/fixed procedures/cleaned up some voter rolls. It’s not fully fixed, no. It never will be. That’s why we’re dissidents and desire a different system entirely. To expect a fix or correction is to be stuck with an inside-the-system mindset. The system can’t be fixed, if it did we would not need to be anti the system itself.
You can’t honestly believe there is an opportunity cost to spending 5-10minutes filing in a free ballot. What will you do during that 5 minutes that would be so imperative? It’s not like that is a difficult or tumultuously labor-intense task. Whether you “are complicit” in the system or not, the system will continue unaffected and you are required to be subject to it while living under it. You might as well use its weak spots against it when the opportunity arises.
Some elections are rigged and others are likely viable. Just toss a vote to slower accelerationism or to make them rig harder if given the opportunity. Like I said, it won’t save us but it doesn’t hurt anything.
A dandy discussion; but, we have already seen people taken away by the ‘police’ for voting the wrong way. And Two; you are late to the Party. Away back in the 1960’s I had a bumper sticker that read-“If voting could change anything, it would be illegal’. Its more true now than then
Many have been arrested for wrong-think as well, that does not mean we should stop thinking or speaking.
As for two, I never said this was only relevant now. It is a very common discussion point now, however.
See my other comment or actually read the article. Voting won’t save us, but it doesn’t necessarily hurt us.