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Discussing the powder keg issue.
A while back, there was a pretty stellar article from the guys over at Identity Dixie.
Padraig martin was the author, and he discussed two main topics: Military Recruitment and the Inevitable Future of the United States.
It has been the stated goal of Identity Dixie that secession and Southern freedom are ultimately realized. For a myriad of reasons, the need to break out of a rapidly collapsing United States has become more urgent than ever before. The most pressing reason to secede, however, is war. Yet, few articles provide concrete steps to achieve the goal of secession. We need a strategic design that can be effective, despite our relative lack of power. One area well within our reach is the ability to impact U.S. military recruitment.
It is not a matter of “if” but “when” the United States enters into a massive war – one that our elites have sought for the past decade. This is not a war of defensive necessity. This is not a war of basic power politics on some global scale in the traditional sense of nationalist advancement. Rather, the war our ruling class seeks is one predicated on solidifying their own ideologically driven ascension to the detriment of all who oppose their power. Given that nearly seventy-six million Americans voted against their power in 2020, that makes nearly half of the American voting populace enemies of our new class of rulers. Thus, any war serves two purposes: (1) potentially destroying their global opponents; (2) by compelling military service into such a war, they destroy their domestic opponents – most of whom will likely die on battlefields at home and abroad. The perceived twofold benefit of a great war for those who believe in their elitism and power is a temptation they cannot ignore. War is coming, whether everyone else wants one or not.
Traditionally, rulers use warfare to seek the advancement of nationalist purposes that are wedded to the territorial integrity of a given geography. This concept – which predates the Westphalian Nation-State – has remained the foundation of international order for centuries. The Athenians fought to advance Athenian purposes… the Romans conquered for Rome… the French fought wars to advance French power… Great Britain to advance British power… Germany to advance German power… and so forth. Today, our elites seek to build a new world order that transcends nationalistic identity. Theirs’ is a global ideological vision in which strict delineations along cultural, genetic, or moral identifiers are replaced by a singular belief system and global body politic. There are a number of reasons for their desire for a singular global world order. Much of this is based on the realization that technology is quickly making human output obsolete. A world with billions of people who have no discernable purpose is a world that can quickly turn on the “haves” if the technologically displaced billions consider themselves to be “have nots.”
The fact that such a war will undoubtedly drag young, impressionable Southern boys into an early grave is painful enough to consider. The fact that such a war will impact our people more broadly, from deprivation to eventual occupation, only heightens the real need to separate ourselves from the war mongers on the Potomac.
I’ve been pretty uncertain about my stance on military involvement in the past.
I usually recommend dissidents infiltrating and fighting for centralization; not surrendering institutions. But the military has always been a question mark for me, because of the implications and morality of joining it given our current state. My gut leans no to dissidents joining, but there is still a high risk of fully surrendering that institution to the leftists.
I even mentioned this problem in my article Implicit Surrender: A Demoralization Psyop:
[Sidenote: The only one I still hesitate on is the military. You won’t die working a 9-5 government office job, but the military can send you to war for GAE interests. I do not want our guys to get sucked into that machine, but I am also unsettled about letting it be fully enveloped by leftists. I will openly admit I do not have a solution to this particular dilemma.]
While I still am unsure where I lie on the whole military issue, this article is a great counter-point to my usual positions. It is always good to hear both sides, especially when the two writers are both dissidents.
So give it a read and then spend some time strolling through ID.
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