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Scientists Finally Discover That Humans Have Immune Systems

They tried their best.

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It only took four years after covid for the scientists to finally realize that children do, in fact, have immune systems. And that those immune systems, when allowed to work properly, may actually help protect against disease:

Scientists Finally Discover That Humans Have Immune Systems

From this article:

Study links common infections to enhanced COVID-19 defense in children

Analyzing nasal swabs taken during the pandemic, researchers at Yale School of Medicine suggest that the frequent presence of other viruses and bacteria may have helped to protect children from the worst effects of COVID-19 by boosting their immune systems. Their results will be published July 1 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM).

Children are generally more susceptible than adults to respiratory infections such as the common cold, and yet, for unknown reasons, the SARS-CoV-2 virus tends to cause less severe symptoms in children than in adults, resulting in lower rates of hospitalization and death during the COVID-19 pandemic. The innate immune system provides the first line of defense against viruses and bacteria, quickly producing a variety of anti-viral and proinflammatory proteins to fend off infection while the body develops other, more targeted, immune responses such as antibodies. Studies have shown that, compared with adults, the innate immune system is more active in the nasal passages of children and might therefore be better at blocking the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. But the reason for this increased activity is unknown.


We are still waiting to see if the scientists will ever discover the fact that adults—not just kids—also have immune systems.

But I’m not holding my breath. It will probably take them another four years to figure that one out.

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I agree that God originally gave us an incredibly adaptable immune system for fighting off illnesses. That said, I don’t go as far as some chiropractor friends of mine who intentionally expose themselves to infection to build up resistance. I think they forget that the Fall of Man set in motion the genetic entropy of our genome. Each generation is a more mutated version of its progenitors, and thus less capable of fighting off the import of new diseases.

    • Great point that I neglected to mention. This is actually a topic I have been wanting to write extensively on for a while now, but have not had the time. I’ve been coining it “continual degeneration”, because it seems like no matter what happens, the species continues to freefall in genetic/epigenetic decline. This process never made sense to me before accepting Christianity (when I was an evolutionist), but now it’s as clear as day. You are dead on that each generation continues the process of entropy.

      Great comment, as always.

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