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Leftism and Sanpaku: Learn the skill of eye-reading by reviewing this one short article.
If you’ve never heard about Sanpaku, now is the time.
Have you ever wondered why the leftists always look like this?
A Japanese term, Sanpaku, explains it:
Sanpaku gan (三白眼) or sanpaku (三白) is a Japanese term meaning “three whites”. It was introduced into English by George Ohsawa in the mid-1960s. It is generally referred to in English as “sanpaku eyes” and refers to eyes in which either the white space above or below the iris is revealed. The medical condition in which sclera can be seen below the iris is called “lower scleral show” or “inferior scleral show.”
According to Chinese/Japanese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts, and people who over-consume sugar or grain.
Conversely, when the upper sclera is visible it is said to be an indication of mental imbalance in people such as psychotics, murderers, and anyone rageful.
In either condition, it is believed that these people attract accidents and violence.
For thousands of years, people of the Far East have been looking into each other’s eyes for signs of this dreaded condition. Any sign of sanpaku meant that a man’s entire system — physical, physiological and spiritual — was out of balance. He had committed sins against the order of the universe and he was therefore sick, unhappy, insane, what the West has come to call “accident prone”.
The condition of sanpaku is a warning, a sign from nature, that one’s life is threatened by an early and tragic end.
Here is an image explanation detailing a few variations of sanpaku:
The East Asians have it figured out. Always look at the eyes of the leftists. It tells you their story.
I do not disagree with anything the Japanese have uncovered regarding this effect. I especially agree that both conditions (white above or below) are dangerous, and that this effect is built in to our biological condition as a warning sign from nature. Similar to the “bright color hair means poisonous” mantra that was common a couple of years back.
Their own eyes give them away as people who are out of balance—sick, unhappy, and insane.
The Bible argues the same thing:
34 The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.
Here are a few examples to get you familiar with what you are looking for:
These people all exhibit extreme sanpaku. Which means they are medically insane—imbalanced due to their sins against the order of the universe.
The Japanese call it sins of universal condemnation; Christians call it reprobation. Either way, we both witness the same end result: people that are sick, unhappy, and insane.
The lesson:
They are the gateway into the true character and soul of a person.
If you want more of a deep-dive, I have written numerous other articles on this problem regarding leftists. The top two are these:
On a semi-related note, our women are also happier and more attractive:
This is why you should thank God every day that you are a right-winger.
Less crazy eyes, greater happiness, and more attractive women.
What a beautiful advantage.
Happy Meme Monday. Have a stellar week.
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