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Running To The Woods Won’t Save You

Don't run. Fight back.

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A Useless Strategy: Running To The Woods

Neither will fleeing the country and hiding out in some Third World dumpster fire.

We must avoid, condemn, and laugh at pathological cowardice:

Pathological Cowardice: The Final Stage Of Individualism

The next manifestation of pathological cowardice is the traitor/hermit manifestation. This version is demonstrated through a loner, “Me Me Me”, screw-everyone-else approach to the problem. These people accept the problem and will even talk about it, but then go full psychopathic individualist in response to it. An obvious example is the MGTWW crowd who have issues with some women under modernity, so just give up on 50% of the population altogether.

This manifestation encapsulates the entitled “all about me” people. These are your typical “I’m hiding in the woods when conflict arises” types. While we fight to preserve our existence, try to overcome great evil, and sacrifice much, they intend to hide out in a different country or in the backwoods and somehow proclaim that as the correct solution. They flee like cowards while we stay and fight.

These people are far too afraid to fight, so they run. They then try to twist this into somehow being an “intelligent” response. Hint: if everyone did this, we’d all be destroyed tomorrow, including those hiding in the woods. The only reason these individuals aren’t destroyed yet is because the courageous—like us—stay and fight. Their existence depends on us. Yet, they claim superiority to us. This is typical gamma, pathological cowardice, and projecting behavior.

You see this manifestation often online in the versions of “I fled the country” (often to some dumpster-fire Asian country which is hilarious), “I’m dropping out of society”, or “I have my own land and my own resources. I don’t care what’s happening to everyone else now”. These people are some of the highest cowards who will hoard their own resources in our people’s time of dire need or directly flee and leave us to fight alone.

But make note: If we were to win, these cowards would surely be on the first plane back into our traditional civilization and proclaim they were always on our side. They’d likely even say they somehow fought for it, given the gamma behavior. Stolen valor and all.

There is a very important distinction between waiting for the collapse before one acts and willingly fleeing the battlefield entirely. These people do the latter. Contrast that to waiting, where you can at least partake in some dissident lifestyle strategy.

This manifestation of individualistic corruption is especially dangerous compared to the other two. It is so because they are destroyers of brotherhood; the weakeners of the vanguards. Their proclamations encourage others to not resist while also subverting other dissidents to not want to fight because these individuals abuse their bond and trust.

They are also horrifically idiotic, because they do not seem to realize that if we, the front-liners, are destroyed—They are next. Their woods, their new country, or their resources won’t save them forever. This centralizer quest for hegemony will come for all unless we stop it.

They are about as brave as a man that proudly proclaims leaving his own wife and children to die at the hands of home invaders, because he’s too afraid to fight (the nation is an extended family, after all). The traitorous hermits are no different, but replace their wife and children being slaughtered with the national remnant that depended on them.

I got some of my best, most angry, emails responses to that above article.

Another related article that triggered many is this one:

For The People That Believe Politics Doesn’t Matter: There Is No Escape

The lessons:

  • It does not matter if you are not interested in politics. Politics are interested in you.
  • You can run. Maybe you can hide for some time. But they will find you. And they will bring you under their control. Even if you live 20 years peacefully in the woods, they’ll still come for you when they find you. With modern tech, you won’t make it 20 years.
  • Do something before it gets too late. Do something before you are an Old Believer. An apolitical person is only apolitical until they come for them. But then there is no one left to fight alongside.

Either you fight back or you will be pushed into the corner until you have no choice but to submit.

There is no such thing as someone that “doesn’t care about politics” or is apolitical. There are only people not intelligent or aware enough to recognize that their time holding those beliefs are limited.

Reality is proving that those of us who are fighting back were right. Especially post-covid. The rulers of the world can shutdown everywhere and inject everyone with jabs. They can destroy supply chains everywhere. There is nowhere to run.

Now it is becoming more and more clear about the truthfulness of it all. Evil will not just quit, nor will it stop coming for us.

we'll just stay out of demcorat run cities - ohio meme

The reality is simple: You fight or you die.

Read Next: Covid Conspiracy Check In


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Well said. This is how I feel about the “national divorce” crowd. It’s just running away, ignoring that liberals aren’t going anywhere and they’ll subvert your half of the country just as quick.
    These cowards will split the country in half, then fourths, then eighths, until there is nowhere left to run. Running is never the answer. Like you said, “Evil will not just quit, nor will it stop coming for us.”

    • Not national divorce, that’s a lawful creation of a new state to establish and enforce good laws for the righteous when we can no longer coexist weit bloodthirsty psychopaths

      Fleeing is the only choice for imminent death & destruction such as Europe in 1930s.

      Staying to fight is well and good only while things are still fairly stable.

      • Agree on national divorce. However:

        Fleeing is the only choice for imminent death & destruction such as Europe in 1930s.

        Fighting for your people, for God against evil, for our children so they do not have to later bear the cost, and for the future of our civilization is an honorable alternative to fleeing. The world is stable only when strong men do this. Fighting is necessary to preserve what we have.

    • I have humored this thought numerous times. And while I am not in full disagreement (especially regarding the risk of potential further subversion), the main problem continues to dominate my thoughts—which is that if we don’t partition or balkanize in some reasonable nationalistic fashion, I will continue to be stuck living amongst the crazy clowns. I do not want to live among the crazy clowns, regardless of whether my guys are in charge or theirs. Therefore, we need separation. This is especially true considering I do not want my children to fight this battle a second time because I did not resolve it the first time around.

      • I think that’s where your recommendation for building enclaves comes in. Personally, there are too many natural resources and strategic advantages to the west coast for me to just give up on it. As far as your last comment about having to battle a second time, I offer you my favorite quote from Ender’s Game.

        “Tell me why you kept kicking him. You had already won.”

        “Knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too, right then, so they’d leave me alone.”

        This is how we must fight to make sure it never happens again.

        • I think that’s where your recommendation for building enclaves comes in.

          Can’t disagree with that, if that is how it would pan out.

          I also do not want to lose the west coast. But maybe we could just shuffle the insane ones onward to the northeast or Mexico.

          It’s fun to dream, anyway.

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