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Rogue Church Bodies Using Our Tithe For Evil

There are three major church bodies that are helping to facilitate the flood of illegal immigrants across the border. Can you guess which three?

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With recent reporting from places like Muckraker, it is becoming painfully obvious that some of the major facilitators of the United States demographic replacement program are so-called “religious charities”.

These charities are funded in part by their denominations and in part by the Feds.

Put together, these rogue church bodies (the denoms, NGOs, and financiers combined) are using our own tithe money to destroy us.

Of course, this isn’t exactly fresh news. Places like Refugee Resettlement Watch have been reporting on it for longer than I’ve even had this website (over a decade).

But now the charities themselves are so open and self-admitted about this process that it can no longer be questioned. Catholic Charities USA has a public-facing section on their website openly talking about replacing you with Afghans and Hispanics. As do other groups like the Red Cross (albeit not an explicit religious charity, they often pander to the faithful).

Heck, even VDARE called out the main three culprits (Catholics, Lutherans, Jews) probably half a decade ago, and continues to call them out now:

Religious “Charities” Aid The Illegal Invasion—It’s Time To Strip Them Of Government Funds

In one of its patented Friday news dumps, the Biden Regime just quietly admitted that an astonishing 251,000 illegal aliens were encountered on the southern border in December, the highest of any month in U.S. history.

Too many receive taxpayer-funded help when they get here, from free shelter to free plane tickets. But it’s not just various levels of government that facilitate the invasion. Faith-based “charities” play a key role. The GOP/GAP must use its control of the House of Representatives to investigate these charities, strip them of their (substantial) government funding, and end their aid to the migrant invasion.

The critical role played by these charities was highlighted last year when the first illegals were bused to Washington, D.C. Catholic Charities was there with a warm welcome. “All we know is that we’ve got a group of people who are arriving who need help, and we want to be there and be a compassionate presence, and help them in whatever ways we can,” said spokeswoman Sister Sharlet Wagner last April


When the [migrants] get to the border, they try to claim asylum status, which has to be determined through a proper hearing. But during the time that they are waiting for their trial day, they are aided by these NGOs.

You’ve heard me talk about Catholic Charities, Jewish Family Council, [The correct name is Jewish Family Services] [and] the Lutherans [which] are involved. What they do is they go to the border and take these asylum seekers from [the Department of Homeland Security, DHS]. They’re paid by [DHS] to provide aid. So there’s an incentive to bring in more people because the more people that the Catholic Charities [or] the Jewish Family Council bring in, the more money they get from the U.S. government. It is a way that the administration has helped to aid—and in fact fund—the invasion of our nation.

An internal quote from GOP Rep. Lance Gooden in 2022

The federal government depends on these surrogates to manage the illegal-alien invaders, which also just happens to hide the feds’ role in helping the invasion. The government isn’t forthcoming about this information, so conservative investigators had to sniff out the link. A Heritage Foundation project looked into the data of 30,000 cell phones traced to migrant holding facilities at the border. It found that more than 22,000 of those cell phones were located at facilities run by nonprofits such as Catholic Charities and other religious groups. The devices were then traced to 431 of America’s 435 congressional districts. And more than 5,000 devices were traced to nonprofit facilities near the border. Cell phones traced to these locations were then found dispersed in 434 out of 435 congressional districts. In other words, the charities are helping disperse the illegals throughout the country.

The big three are and have always been Catholic, Lutheran, and Jewish NGOs. They are the key players in the movement of the people first into the Southern border and then scattered within the States.

In effect, these liberal, lukewarm, Revelation 3:16-vomit-them-out church bodies are helping to destroy their own people.

So much for Christian love among the brethren. So much for truly “loving thy neighbor”.

These institutions are supported by the Feds, private individuals, and the overall church denoms. They are wicked, Scripture-ignoring abominations.

True Christian NGOs would help their own people, as we are desperately struggling ourselves. Then they would go help others in their own lands; not by bringing them here. These groups are simply antichrists walking around pretending to be Christian.

Which is a major problem for the faithful in these denoms. Every time you give your tithe (or any freewill offering) to your church body, part of that money is surely being filtered to these groups.

If you are in one of these groups, you’re literally handing money over to Satan who is using it to destroy your people.

Catholics and Lutherans should truly think twice before giving any more money to the beast, unless you truly know where those funds are going. I am not calling you to rob God: donate what you must. But make sure it goes to something truly Christian. Flooding our country with illegals is not something Christian.

This is one of the reasons I’ve been really leaning toward making the final plunge to become an Independent Baptist. And why I am more comfortable nowadays with almost any nondenom and the radically segmented denoms compared to the hierarchical denoms.

Say what you will about them, but at least I can go to any of these churches and see an exact breakdown of their financials and where each dollar goes. I never have to worry about it being siphoned up to some hierarchy lead by an antichrist that is going to use my donation money to get me mugged by a foreign national.

You know, a rock band in a worship service doesn’t seem quite as bad compared to flooding our country with non-Christian aliens, which will inevitably lead to a civil war and complete chaos. But hey, I’m just a layman. What do I know?

But even if you are not willing to take the radical jump to a new denom, I caution you to at least make sure you know where your money is going. Prudence is required by the Christian, and you will have to stand accountable to God for where you placed your money. So think wisely before you toss it into the Catholic or Lutheran or other nefarious-NGO coffers. Because we know for a fact that part of that will be sent toward getting Somalis shipped to your nearest town.

Never forget that true Christianity is called to fight against these corrupt NGOs and against these wicked false church bodies, not to financially support them. Scripture says we aren’t even to greet them at the door or wish them success, much less to provide physical comfort or aid.

Regardless of what you do, many of the church bodies in our land are wicked. That does not mean the Christian Church has fallen, just that we now exist on the fringe as a remnant.

Those who call themselves “Christians” are not always so in these latter days. Be always watchful and mindful of this fact.

Read Next: The United States Migrant Invasion: NGO Organized


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I am an ex-Lutheran for this exact reason. The synods have become beyond corrupt. There is nothing left to fight for in these subverted denominations. The true Church will not fall, but the man-made institutions sure have.

    I don’t normally agree with you on the religious posts (since I have converted to Orthodox), but this is a solid piece. Well done.

    • The true Church will not fall, but the man-made institutions sure have.

      Glad to hear you stayed in the capital-C Church, brother. It’s hard when having to leave an institution you grew up in due to corruption, but I am right there with you.

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