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“RIP, The Western World”: A Response

No. The Western World will not fall forever.

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Paul Craig Roberts recently penned a short but provocative article about the complete collapse of the Western World, which I will share a part of here:

The Western World: RIP

Paul Craig Roberts

I have come to the depressing conclusion that the white ethnicities that constituted the nations of Western Civilization have degenerated into such insouciance and stupidity that they have no possibility of survival.  They sit mindlessly in front of TV absorbing their brainwashing and indoctrination.  They can’t pay their rent, mortgage or car payments, but they pay endlessly for care of immigrant-invaders who are overwhelming their communities with material needs.


Wherever you look, you see the US welcoming at citizens taxpayer expense endless burdens from immigrant-invaders permitted to walk unheeded across the border into the Tower of Babel that the US has become. According to leaks, RINO Republican Senators are preparing an immigration bill that would force America to accept 1.8 million immigrant-invaders each year.  Amazing to watch white people destroy their own country.

No one in America can do anything about it.  Instead of stopping the invasion and over-running of the country, the US government commits endless American resources to defending the aggressively expansive borders of Israel and Ukraine, while Washington dismantles the barrier put in place to defend America’s borders.  And the fool responsible for this policy is running for reelection as president with the media’s and America’s elites’ support.


The dumbshit Hans Leitjens, obviously a proponent of Western annihilation, says that opposition to being overrun by immigrant-invaders constitutes “xenophobia and prejudice.”

There you have it.  If white ethnicities attempt to prevent their overthrow by invaders, they are xenophobic and racist.  

How did so many white ethnicities get converted to a point of view that doesn’t serve them? The English Suffer While Immigrant-invaders Are Housed in Hotels. This is what white people have learned to expect from “their” governments.

Don’t you think it is strange that the world’s white ethnicities are prepared to commit lives and endless resources to protect the borders of Israel and Ukraine, but nothing to protect their own borders?

How can people this totally stupid continue to exist?

I have had these blackpill moments. In fact, I could probably pull up a dozen similar articles on my own site with similar aghast anger seeping through them (Here is one glaring example, for instance). We’ve all had thoughts like this before.

Articles like these are a prolific today. They are increasing in both quantity and quality. Our condition is deteriorating rapidly, so it is to be expected that more people are catching on and proclaiming such things.

But these kinds of pieces, while captivating to read, are both 1) fundamentally inaccurate and 2) incredibly demoralizing.

They are 1) fundamentally inaccurate because of exactly what Mr. Roberts said in the article itself. Notice two quotes that are directly contradictory in his own piece:

  1. “Amazing to watch white people destroy their own country.”
  2. “No one in America can do anything about it.”

Intrinsically, every single blackpilled white-annihilationism theory shares this foundational flaw.

These two statements cannot be said together logically. You cannot say that White people are destroying their own country and that White people cannot do anything to stop it. One necessarily implies power, while the other implies a lack thereof.

This is why the blackpill is a lie. Only one of these is true. So which is it?

To figure this out, we must stop evading the hard questions. We all know it’s not “White people” that are doing this to our country. “White people” did not all coincidentally decide to suicide all of our own nations out of nowhere and in perfect lockstep after a millennium of the exact opposite. That’s not how reality works. Something changed. Other people(s) assumed power.

Our nations—our entire civilization—is controlled by an elite group at the top that may house some Whites, but are definitely not a group of monolithic whiteys hanging out in khakis playing golf. No, quite the opposite. Most of them are anti-whites; not White at all. These puppeteers control us and force the culture on us.

It is not “White people” doing this. Most actual Whites are not happy with how things are going. They are just afraid or oblivious to the true causes. This is plainly obvious.

However, again I say to Paul Craig Roberts (PCR): I get it. Sometimes you have to just yell out at the general public when you know this much. I have done it and will probably do it again someday. But after the outburst we must come back to our grounding.

We cannot look at the vast majority of a population and be mad at them. The majority of people will always be floaters, not attached to a cause. Their eyes are not open. It’s just the nature of man; the reality of the nature of the grey masses. It’s about as logical as getting mad at a lion for hunting an innocent deer. The lion hunts because it is a natural instinct. The majority of the people will always be fence-sitters because it is our natural instinct.

This reality is not only true of Whites, but of every people. To hate your own people because you choose not to see the very same in other races makes no sense. The grey masses make up ~80%-90% of any given population. They are a write-off as far as politics go. Blacks, Asians, Jews, and all others have their own grey masses just as much as ours.

But more importantly: It’s not the job of the grey masses to change the world, it’s our job as the remnant. It’s that small active minority that makes the world’s difference. The majority never does anything of value.

Our current troubling reality is that our active minority does not have the power to do anything. Another active minority rules over us. Which means that we do not have the power to destroy or save ourselves. No dissident has any power at all. We’re completely owned by those who control us out-of-sight. #1 in PCR’s article is incorrect.

PCR is correct in his second observation I quoted above, not the first. White people are not destroying this country. We built this country. That evil cabal is the one destroying it. And no one in America can do anything about it, because we do not have the power to stop it.

For now.

The above demonstrates the inaccuracy of the blackpill mindset. A proud, strong remnant still exists in our people. Those people just do not have the power to stop this.

So becoming defeatist about the condition of Whites is foolish. While we do not have power now, that condition never remains. History proves that power shifts over time. This is the cycle that has existed forever.

We will again have power someday, and can right these wrongs. The timeline might be long, but it will happen. That much is a guarantee, unless Christ comes back first. In which case, He will deliver even better justice than what we could do, anyway. So it is a win-win conclusion that is already written.

This is why I always say victory is inevitable—No matter the path taken, we win in the end. PCR’s analysis is in error.

But pieces like this are not just inaccurate, but also 2) incredibly demoralizing; needlessly so.

They paint the picture that there is nothing we can do, and that it is “our” fault this is happening.

I don’t know about most of this land, but I could guarantee the vast majority of my readers are against this. I’ve put my own life on the line by potentially getting doxxed to fight against this.

This sorry state is not my fault, and it is not the fault of whoever is reading this. Quite the contrary, we’re the frontline against this. So putting this deplorable evil on “us” is erroneous. But even to put it on other Whites, even the dumb ones, is blaming the victim. We already proved they do not have the power to stop this, so what do you expect them to do?

Whites had the power, but Whites lost it. It’s gone. It happened subversively; not willingly. To blame all of us is some weird, corrupted variant of Stockholm Syndrome where instead of loving the abuser (as in traditional Stockholm Syndrome), one grows to hate those who are equally trapped and suffering with you. How about we all just hate our real enemies, and do our best to love those who are suffering with us, even if they are grey masses?

People like us have been given a gift to be able to see the reality approaching us. This is a treasure granted by God. Do not use it to hate those without the gift; use it to help them!

It was not our fault this happened. Most of us weren’t even alive when this nightmare began. But we are going to be part of the solution. And while PCR is correct that there is nothing we can do to stop what is coming, there is a tremendous amount we can do to prepare for what happens after.

We can’t stop the plane crash that is Western Civilization. The engines have all failed—Gravity will assure it continues to fall at greater speeds until the inevitable crash. But we can prepare ourselves for the search and rescue efforts after it occurs. We can also prepare and soften the landing zone.

Now is the time for us to be preparing to weather this storm in a strong position and to become the elite remnant that will take over and lead us into a better future after the collapse occurs.

Western Civilization is going down. I do not disagree with PCR on that point. But it does not have to stay down. Let this abomination it has become crash. It is wicked and evil and should die. But we can return like a revitalized Greek Phoenix after the decomposing stage, stronger and much more purified than before.

That truth is anything except demoralizing.

Take the whitepill, because the blackpill is a lie.

So while I understand the anger, the betrayal, and the hurt that builds up and explodes into articles like these, it’s always good to hear a counterargument against them too. I have nothing against PCR here. Like I said, I get it. But don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Vent the frustration and the anger—yell at the sky if you must—But then remember that gift you have and put it to use, preparing for the world to come.

Stay strong. We’re all going to make it.

Read Next: Time Is Short And People Are Blind


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Great piece. Always good to hear the other side of these kind of articles. Wish more were being shared like this one.

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