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ridding reliance on fossil fuels power sector 4.7 trillion

Ridding reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector would cost us $4.7 trillion

What would happen if we were to remove our reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector? Well, for one, it would cost us nearly five trillion.

Many democrats have been outspoken advocates of what is called the “Green New Deal” or some variation of it.

This wonderful climate piece would do a lot to fix the reliance we have on fossil fuels.

With one small caveat: it would cost 4.7 trillion dollars.

Ridding reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector would cost us $4.7 trillion

Ridding reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector would cost us $4.7 trillion

For new readers of my blog, I’m a unique member of the right. Unique because I fully support renewable and sustainable energy sources and would like to see us get rid of our reliance on fossil fuels. I enjoy nature. I want it protected. Not exploited for profit. I also don’t want to be reliant on the middle east for oil.

However, I’m also not a financial moron.

So I realize that trying to set up a renewable energy source that would cost $35,000 per household is ridiculous.  

Especially when you consider it is ONLY for renewable energy in the power sector. The power sector is not even the biggest contributor of the carbon emission issue.

Not to mention that wind and solar are not stable sources of power: they are intermittent. They require wind or sun to generate electricity. With additional equipment and expense to utilize them during off-hours.

And while we’re talking finance, can you imagine the price increase on wind and solar equipment if the government began buying them en masse? Massive price hikes and skyrocketing demand, what a combination.

I’m positive the big alternative energy industries are in the pockets of these democrats, funding the hell out of them. They’d get so filthy rich if this plan were to pass, they wouldn’t even have to worry about new democrat taxes because they could just go buy an island with their weekly profits from this. I guarantee there are some massive energy donors behind every democrat, especially as these energy solutions are gaining more money and power nationally.

Guess what? Most Americans like the idea of aggressive climate change action. But that support is practically roundhouse kicked out of existence if the initiatives would cost them. Yet this initiative would cost them $35k per house.

But I’m not worried. Why? Let’s be real. This “green new deal” will never happen. It’s political posturing to make them seem like they are “moral” and have good “characters”. However, they don’t actually care. Never have. Never will. You don’t get to that level of political power by giving a shit.

If they did, they would invest in nuclear energy with some gas supply from fossil fuels. Sustainable, non-intermittent, and actually feasible. They would also be forced to focus on other greenhouse gas emissions and other countries that are much higher polluters than us.

Instead, they will just keep pretending that we can add another $4.7 trillion in debt to an already overburdened country. And that this will somehow fix all of our problems.  

Read Next: Environmentalism Is A Religion: Crichton


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

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