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Now there is something you don't hear from presidential nominees every day.
Now you won’t find discussions like this happening on the federal level very often:
RFK Jr: Water supply is turning kids into trannies (just like Alex Jones predicted)…
RFK Jr. channeled Alex Jones just the other day in an insightful interview with Jordan Peterson. In the interview, RFK Jr. discussed the challenges this nation’s youth are facing. It seems that anxiety has a chokehold on Generation Z and they’re also burdened with severe mental health issues, so much so that many are resorting to drastic and unimaginable measures, such as undergoing significant body mutilation in order to change genders.
RFK Jr. definitely didn’t hold back when he discussed what he thinks could be the actual causes behind our country’s decline, and the first target he identified is our water supply. According to RFK Jr., he firmly believes that there’s a direct connection between our water supply and sexual dysphoria.
Remember, RFK Jr. is an environmental lawyer, and he was actually referring to a study regarding male frogs and a common herbicide turning them into females.
It’s truly amazing to hear a politician actually say those words out loud instead of bowing unconditionally to the left’s trans cult.
Most of the actual statements by RFK in video form are on Twitter or TikTok. Or they feature Jordan Peterson. I prefer to save my readers from all three, if at all possible.
The only other alternative I found to get the clip is in the below Mark Dice video.
If you don’t want to watch the full video, just listen to RFK’s part. You can find it at 1:17 to 2:39:
He is not wrong. Atrazine is one of the hundreds of absolutely wicked chemicals that seep through into the public drinking water. Alongside things like fluoride, mercury, antidepressants, microplastics, other endocrine disruptors, and so on.
But Atrazine is particularly harmful in certain sexual capacities:
The herbicide atrazine is one of the most commonly applied pesticides in the world. As a result, atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground, surface, and drinking water. Atrazine is also a potent endocrine disruptor that is active at low, ecologically relevant concentrations. Previous studies showed that atrazine adversely affects amphibian larval development. The present study demonstrates the reproductive consequences of atrazine exposure in adult amphibians. Atrazine-exposed males were both demasculinized (chemically castrated) and completely feminized as adults. Ten percent of the exposed genetic males developed into functional females that copulated with unexposed males and produced viable eggs. Atrazine-exposed males suffered from depressed testosterone, decreased breeding gland size, demasculinized/feminized laryngeal development, suppressed mating behavior, reduced spermatogenesis, and decreased fertility. These data are consistent with effects of atrazine observed in other vertebrate classes. The present findings exemplify the role that atrazine and other endocrine-disrupting pesticides likely play in global amphibian declines.
We are now mass-exposed to Atrazine and similar endocrine disruptors. We are equally seeing a massive explosion in LGBT numbers:
This is not a coincidence or solely due to it being a popular fad. Many of these kids are pumped full of this stuff since birth and are being partially castrated/facing depressed testosterone that leads to further emasculating behavior later in life. For many in the trans cult, it is actually not their fault. They are literally thrown into a chemical soup for twenty years.
If this double-every-generation trend continues, the next generation will be 41% LGBT. I would not be surprised; the chemicals are only getting worse.
Say what you will about RFK Jr.; the man is definitely not a right-wing dissident. But statements like this and the actions he has taken against covid, mandates, childhood vaccines, and now the public drinking water is huge.
He has the capability to shift the narratives and the Overton Window massively. Just like Trump did in 2016. And doing exactly that is about the only usefulness of the presidential elections anymore.
Do not think that he is a write-off or insignificant, either. He is currently fairly high in the polls compared to Biden, considering how early it is. I know most of these polls are completely imaginary, but the fact that they even rank him in doubt digits at all tells you he is doing far better than the ruling class would prefer:
When presented with announced candidates Biden, Marianne Williamson, and Robert Kennedy Jr., Biden’s support increases to 70%, Kennedy Jr. 21%, and Williamson receives 8%.
He won’t get the nomination. But he will be a competitor that the ruling class has to actively fight against. Which means his word will reach far and wide.
I hope we see a lot more of this coming from him.
As a sidenote, this is even more evidence—Stop drinking the friggin’ public water. Do you want to become a gay frog?
Read Next: They Are Turning The Birds Gay & How To Destroy The Health Of The Nation
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