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How oversight voting could fix the issues of modernity. Using the CMS covid vax mandate as a prime example.
The CMS mandate requires the covid vax for workers in most health care settings. The U.S. Supreme Court allowed it to stand and a federal judge later dismissed the Texas challenge to the mandate. A lot of my family has been directly impacted by this ruling. It’s complete lunacy.
It is also an excellent example of why we need oversight voting instead of bench legislation, direct democracy, or representative voting. Because all of those have, or would have, failed us.
The latter of the three—representative voting—clearly didn’t avert this. The republic system not only allowed it to pass, but even allowed it to pass a Supreme Court ruling. Which de facto made bench legislation for this item and all future similar rulings due to precedent. Granted that our SC is trash, that doesn’t change the fact that the republic system allowed the SC to become trash with no ability for any actual stakeholders to correct it.
Direct democracy, or mob rule, wouldn’t fix this if the grey masses could be indoctrinated to support the law by institutional control. The grey masses fall for nearly anything, and covid was no exception. To trust them with anything is completely insane, as every single historical democracy such as Athens has indicated. They would fall given enough time for the centralizers to convince them to do so.
But even the non voting systems wouldn’t have corrected this if the rulers were malevolent. A rule by few, where the few stood to benefit from forced vaxes through institutional kickbacks would just as quickly mandate them for their own financial benefit. The other non-voting option, a rule by one, would do the same, unless the ruler just so happened to be benevolent or feeling generous that day. A bad day or a Caligula rather than a Marcus Aurelius would quickly change that. And then we’d be stuck with the vax again with no oversight. Given enough time, all totalitarian rulers or their descendents would join this fold.
The only thing that could correct this would be oversight voting, where the law change could directly be overridden and a traditional position restored. No other system option could have fixed this particular issue.
An obvious rebuttal would be if stakeholders allowed it to proceed without recalling it. This is true, but it still provides an avenue out at any point in time which the other options do not provide. Even if stakeholders initially approved the mandate, they could remove the change later, after it has been shown to be faulty or cause damage. No permanent precedent from bench legislation, no need for convincing the grey masses, no need for a new election with new reps, no need for a change of the singular ruler, and no need for a new aristocracy. Just direct oversight with the power to return to a previous stable position by overriding changes.
As with most issues of modernity, we need a different framework of government to fix it.
We are living in a time so advanced in many things, but we are presented with a vast empty field of actual practical government options. We only have a handful of actual government types that are all legacy editions. There is an inadequate amount of system options to choose from that could deal with the problems of modernity.
We need to start developing and thinking of new ones. Ones that could incorporate oversight voting, or similar options that could actually fix the issues of modernity. Instead of continuing to rely on these old variants that continue to fail us at every corner.
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Oversight Voting Instead Of Representative Or Direct Voting
Oversight Voting: Preventing Psychopaths From Getting Power
The Override Option: What Every Nation Needs
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