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The culture war has been raging for decades. But the right apparently lost the memo. The republicans just don't understand: we're at war.
At least the American Thinker understands the reality of the situation:
The time to enter the battle has come. There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide; no prisoners will be taken and no quarter granted. There are no “safe spaces” or DMZs. The enemy is emboldened, on the march, and out for blood. Increasingly, his tactics resemble full-spectrum warfare from a position of complete battle space domination. Whether we like it or not, our options have been crystalized: roll over and die (which may even be a preferred outcome to what some of them have planned) or fight back.
Before we get into the idea of fighting back, let’s look at the battle lines. On the one side, we have a loose collection of freedom-lovers, conservatives, traditionalists, free-marketers, and rational and logical people (let’s call them Republicans, if for no other reason than that we need a shorthand label). On the other side, there is a tightly knitted confederacy of Marxists, communists, socialists, relativists, hive-minders, grievance-mongers, Stockholm syndrome sufferers, and criminal cabals (let’s call this group Democrats). There is still a large portion of “independents,” but even that is becoming irrelevant when we review the fortresses each side holds.
The Republicans have the presidency, the Senate, and the independent media — which is certainly better than nothing. The Democrats have the House of Representatives…and the mainstream media, academia, education, Hollywood, medicine, and a weird weaponized “science” (that really drives the rational and logical people insane). In the past, institutions such as the military, mainstream churches, big business, and professional sports may have leaned toward the Republican side. These, however, have been outright neutralized or are in the process of being assimilated into the opposing side. In the case of big business, it is firmly entrenched in the opposing side at this point. Given the superiority of the Democratic positions, it’s evident why “independents” is merely a superficial term as opposed to an actual group of ideological independent people.
Despite the apparent power differential between the two sides, all is not lost. In order for us (the Republicans) to have a fighting chance, we need to realize and embrace the situation we’re in with eyes wide open and adapt our tactics accordingly, and everyone needs to join the fray. We must stop pretending we’re the majority, or that we have the power, or that people will eventually agree with us, or that we have the moral high ground, or that our enemy is willing to meet us in the ideological space with Marquess of Queensbury debate rules.
The last sentence is especially key.
It does not matter if we are the majority.
It does not matter if we have the presidency.
It does not matter if we have the moral high ground.
The Cambodian government of 1975 had the moral high ground too. Then the communists shot them all and buried them on it.
None of the republican talking points matter.
All that matters is that we win.
Before we can win, we have to recognize we are at war in the first place. A cultural, civilizational, and philosophical war. It is not two sides finding middle ground anymore. No, now it’s a fight for who will end up dominating permanently.
There is no retreat. Hell, there’s no where left to retreat too.
We have to meet the enemy where they are currently stationed: the battlefield. And we have to start using their very same tactics against them.
This whole playing the fence, making peace, and claiming moral authority needs to end. The only place it will get us is shot.
Just like every other complacent nation that let the leftists run free.
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