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Remembering Jan 6: The Case Against Ray Epps

For this anniversary of Jan 6, I dive into the story on Ray Epps, recommend StopHate.com, and share a few documentaries.

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The anniversary of Jan 6 has just recently come and gone, but the memory of that day lives on. As do the hundreds of innocent Americans imprisoned in political prisons because of the Jan 6 lie.

One particular topic of interest to remember about that day is a man known as Ray Epps. He played a unique part in the supposed “insurrection”.

StopHate recently posted an insightful memo pointing toward one possible conclusion about Epps’ involvement on that day. It is well worth the read:

• What’s the most compelling case for Ray Epps being a knowing or unknowing Federal Asset?

  • The Media Matters hitpiece on us, and the NYT puff piece on Epps.
  • Ray Epps is painted as a victim by NYT’s Proud Boys “expert”, but the 900 J6 defendants apparently are not. How come Alan is so obsessed with debunking the “lies” and “disinformation” about Ray Epps, but has he written debunking any of the innumerable lies about J6 defendants perpetrated by the MSM and Federal government?
  • The idea that Feds are behind J6 is far from baseless. See our growing list of examples at stophate.com/j6-secret-agents if you aren’t yet educated about this.
  • Ray Epps did more to instigate J6 than any one person. There are probably less than 10 people known to have said to go inside the Capitol on January 6. Only one is known to have said it on January 5.
  • The FBI and NYT insist antifa wasn’t there, but we know they were. We just don’t know how many. See stophate.com/antifa-1-6 if you aren’t yet educated about this.
  • “Obscure right-wing media outlets, like Revolver News, used selectively edited videos” ? The NYT literally selectively edited Ray Epps out of the initial breach scene – as we pointed out at the time.
  • Mr. Epps decided that he wanted to answer the question “Who is Ray Epps?” for himself, so who did he trust to tell the honest story to the world? The New York Times – specifically Alan Feuer! As any typical Trump-supporter would – right?
  • “It’s just not right. The American people are being led down a path. I think it should be criminal.” Ray Epps sees no irony in stating this.
  • Defamation lawsuits.. against Revolver and Tucker? How about against the New York Times who highlighted him in their documentary?
  • “Solely based on the fact that he has never been arrested and therefore must be under the protection of the government”? Maybe also the fact that he was on the FBI list, then removed? Maybe also the fact that he was up at the front the whole time? Maybe that he assisted in pushing a large metal Trump sign into the police line, and wasn’t charged with felony assault like Neefe, McHugh, and Hamner?
  • “Scores, if not hundreds, of people who appear to have committed minor crimes that day were investigated by the F.B.I. but have not been charged or taken into custody”? Name one besides Ray Epps.
  • “Mr. Samsel gave an identical account to the F.B.I.” Is this to be believed as much as the claim that Biggs “flashed a gun, questioned his manhood”? Still not pictures or video of the gun? Yeah right!
  • “The vast majority of those who did not enter the building or commit additional crimes have not been charged.” Several have, and anyways, that’s not all he did.
  • “Epps received a letter from someone claiming to have been brought into the country by a Mexican drug cartel” This glows.

Ray Epps is a suspicious character. Whether he is a “knowing or unknowing Federal Asset” is unimportant…either way he is/was used by the Feds for their purposes with J6. That much is clear.

Still, these guys put forward a strong argument for the former.

Jan 6 Ray Epps meme

I am a fan of StopHate.com. They have defended a lot of our guys and have put themselves in the crosshairs publically while maintaining great optics.

More importantly, however, they are doing great work for the Jan 6ers, similar to Look Ahead America (the leadership of the latter I have worked with personally and can vouch for). While I do not know StopHate on the same basis as LAA, their fruits appear to be just as promising.

StopHate also does some solid documentaries. You can find them here. One that they put on is titled ‘January 6th: A True Timeline‘, which is even listed on my recommended documentaries page. I definitely recommend checking that one out if you have not. If nothing else, for the great ground-level J6 footage.

There are plenty of other great documentaries on that page if you prefer a different one. Either way, to celebrate/remember the Jan 6 anniversary, I hope you’ll give one of these a watch.

Don’t neglect to pray for those still under the political boot of our evil empire, but also make sure to celebrate the resistance against it that occurred on that fateful day.

Read Next: January 6th: The Legacy Lives On & The Political Prisoners Of America: A Letter From The DC Gulag


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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