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There is fear in the air. It is the result of the Covid Panickers. We must remember who they are when this whole joke ends.
New virus that may kill as many people as the seasonal flu: better shut down the entire economy, spend trillions of dollars needlessly, and place everyone into a panic. Oh, and make sure to grant corrupt leaders unsatisable power and force everyone to stay home under a lock-down.
How American.
Politics at play. Big stimulus = money for connected players. Wait a few months and watch as every politician plays the “I didn’t overreact to the coronavirus” narrative. Same with journo’s and other online persona’s.
COVID-19: Approximately 83,149 deaths reported worldwide; 12,911 deaths in the U.S., as of Apr. 8, 2020.*
Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.
* If you actually trust those numbers.
Which is up for debate:
By the way, for America, this is great news, something we should celebrate. Unfortunately, on the question of total deaths, the model has been more accurate, though it still tends to overshoot. Yesterday, the I-H-M-E predicted 784 deaths for New York. The state finished the day with about 600. For the entire country, the model is predicting about 2,000 deaths today. It seems likely we will finish somewhere around that number. But that may not be the whole story. There’s nuance within the numbers, as there always is. For many years, the CDC has tracked the total number of Americans who die each week from pneumonia. For the last few weeks, that number has come in far lower than at the same moment in previous years. How could that be? It seems entirely possible that doctors are classifying conventional pneumonia deaths as COVID-19 deaths. This would mean the epidemic is being credited for thousands of deaths that would have occurred if the virus never arrived here. We don’t know that for certain, but it’s worth considering.
Nor do we know exactly why the model predicted so many more hospitalizations than we’ve actually had. You’ll hear people say this is evidence that the shutdowns and social distancing must be working. Not so fast. Those measures were built into the model in the first place. They’ve been taken into account. We’re still doing far better than what epidemiologists believed was a best-case scenario.
So how did this happen? It’s possible that the virus is just less deadly than we feared, or it’s less likely to send people to the hospital. Maybe it spreads less easily than we thought. Maybe it spreads more easily, and the number of asymptomatic carriers is much higher than we knew. All of those are reasonable theories. In a new draft paper, MIT economist Jeffrey Harris suggests that Americans are following social distancing guidelines more effectively than authorities ever imagined they would. Another potential explanation.
They have even said if it’s possible you have covid, they’ll record you as a covid death. Without testing. Just laugh. The numbers are too low, need to beef em’ up so the health leaders don’t look stupid.
The models originally predicted millions of deaths and hundreds of millions infections.
Now they’re down to 100,000 – 240,000. And even the CDC director says that those numbers are probably way off:
“Models are only as good as their assumptions, obviously there are a lot of unknowns about the virus” he said. “A model should never be used to assume that we have a number.”
You could say it’s reduced because of the measures the CDC took. But that’s bullsh*t. Brazil didn’t shut everything down. Turns out their doing just fine.
It’s asymptomatic in 25% of people and the vast majority of the young and middle-aged do just fine.
We’ll be fine.
This is not the plague. It is only killing certain adults aged ≥60 years and among persons with serious underlying health conditions. You know, the same type of patient that would die from the flu or pneumonia.
But when this all boils over: remember the Covid Panickers.
They were willing to give up their liberty to the government on a moments notice. They were willing to enforce tyranny at the first sign of a few deaths. They are the ones pushing for this to get worse so they don’t look like they have failed miserably on Covid-19.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
B. Franklin
They aren’t on my side and they aren’t on yours either.
We have an unprecedented ability to track these people through the internet now. We know who they are. Take all of their words with a grain of salt going further. Who knows the next time they’ll freak out and aid elites to crash everything around them over a copycat flu?
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