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We continue to learn much about race realism. Let us open up the door to also bring religious realism into the discussion.
You often hear right-wingers talk about race realism when referring to the uncomfortable reality surrounding diversity, demographics, and the differences between the races. The term is used to identify a person who believes that empirical evidence exists to support the notion of inborn racial differences. Which includes pretty much every sane person.
However, we need to hear similar talk, but about the differences between religions. For this article, we can coin it “religious realism“—A person who believes that empirical evidence exists to support the notion of irreconcilable religious/moral differences among differing faiths.
This new term must implicitly include the understanding that religious diversity is not our strength, similar to race realism. That as we increase the amount of religious diversity, we likewise increase the rate of conflict among close-proximity people, and that the religions are fundamentally different and irreconcilable. Different religions produce different peoples and souls, perhaps even more so than simple biology.
It is my belief that religious realism is a topic that deserves far more attention.
It is imperative because of events like this:
First female Muslim federal judge in US history confirmed by the Senate
WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday confirmed Nusrat Choudhury, a longtime civil rights attorney, to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, making her the nation’s first female Muslim federal judge.
Choudhury has served as the legal director of the ACLU of Illinois since 2020.
She is also the first Bangladeshi-American to serve as a federal judge.
Biden also nominated the first Muslim federal judge, U.S. District Judge Zahid Quraishi, who was confirmed in 2021. The Biden administration has made diversifying the federal judiciary − including with professional diversity − a centerpiece of the president’s agenda.
No sane nation would do this to themselves. Our leaders are confirming rulers and judges over us that hold polar opposite moral values. It is bad enough that it is a woman judge—But this is a foreign woman with a hostile foreign religion as a new federal judge.
We are becoming ruled over by foreigners with foreign religions. How can anyone say this is not a conquered land?
I wrote about another instance of this in my article Worse Than Weimar, addressing another similar federal judge:
A literal foreigner is jailing heroic heritage Americans on “treason” charges for trying to prevent election fraud and/or trying to voice his political opinion.
A person that is not of our nation—and was not even born here—is putting our natives in prison for two decades on completely false, fabricated charges. Treason and sedition charges, nonetheless!
This Indian probably does not even know how America was founded. If he did, he would understand the irony of what just transpired with him, a foreigner, throwing our natives into jail unjustly for protesting government corruption.
It really is remarkable. A national native did no harm and walked around in the capitol and gets put in jail for nearly two decades by a foreigner that has no relation to this country. An Indian that should not even be here, if only we had retained our old sane stance on immigration, which we held since our founding.
This kind of stuff did not even happen in Weimar. The Germans rebelled before it got to that point. I think it is safe to say that we are past the point of Weimerica, and have entered into our own definition of some monstrosity far worse.
These kinds are overtaking our legal system everywhere. We are mere decades away from being minority-ruled by foreigners in our own legal system.
Do you really think they are going to side with traditional, heritage American values? If you do, the historical trend of their ruling patterns would like a word with you.
While this is an egregious example of our ever-continuing decline, it must be used as a lesson for future nation-states:
Our rulers, in any and every capacity, should be of the same stock and the same faith as the heritage citizens. This should never be allowed to change. We should not have foreign faiths or foreign people ruling over us. It is insanity; a complete inversion of the levelheadedness of a national people.
This should be common sense. It was for most of the past two thousand years. But it seems it needs to be reiterated and reexplained to this new generation under the curse of modernity.
When we win, this clause needs to be the very first thing in the new constitution, revised monarchial magna carter, dictatorial order, or whatever we end up with. Keep our people in charge, and never allow it to be stolen from them again.
We continue to learn much about race realism. Let us now open up the door to also bring religious realism into the discussion.
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