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The Quick Read Feed

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Welcome to the Quick Read Feed for the Hidden Dominion.

This section provides our readers access to our articles using a traditional blog layout.

This ‘old fashion style’ blog layout has its advantages, mostly in being able to quickly skim and catch up on a week’s worth of articles on one page. I’ve had a few requests for this more traditional layout, so here it is. The articles are the same as published traditionally on our homepage.

If you prefer a single page to catch up on recent articles, or if you just prefer the more traditional blog layout, consider bookmarking this page to use as your primary source for new articles.

  • Introducing: The Enclavism Book

    Black and White Enclavism Logo Version 1

    Find The Enclavism Book Article Series Here: The Enclavism Book: Article Series

    I have been procrastinating this one long enough. It is time to get the Enclavism book published and out there.

    It’s finally going to happen, folks.

    For our long-time readers, you know this work has been in production for many, many years. I started it around the time I started the website in 2016. That’s a lot of labor of love years.

    For the newer folk, the reason for the book and an (outdated) summary can be found here: A Brief Overview of Enclavism.

    I’ve been through it all by now. The initial draft, chopping off half of the content, doing my own edits fourteen-hundred times, hiring a professional editor, working through trusted acquaintance’s critiques, and so on.

    What a great learning journey it has been! If only I knew half of what I know now. This book would’ve been a heck of a lot easier.

    In truth, the book has been “done” for over two years now. I hired my editor years ago during the plandemic. The book has just been delayed for a long time as I kept trying to improve it before actually releasing it. I am a perfectionist, which is a character flaw that is horrible to have when writing a book.

    ‘What in the book needed improvement’, you may ask? Well, what has taken so long is not in writing the book or in editing it. Instead, it was that the further that I dug into finding ways to stop the cycle, the worse the gravity of the situation became.

    I started writing the book to discuss how a nation-state could overcome the continual cycle of political collapse (the anacyclosis problem that always seems to occur leading to the downfall of nations, states, and civilizations—that even the ancients wrote on). Put simply, the goal was to create a government system that could withstand the waves of decline faced by other systems.

    However, every time I found a solution to one problem, it multiplied new problems.

    As I continued to edit the book, I only continued to uncover more.

    So each new piece needed to be addressed. But then that new-addition piece led to further problems.

    Hilariously, trying to stop the cycle put me into a cycle.

    Where I am now, at the end of it, is in the realization that a system is only as strong as its spiritual foundation (from Faith) and its demographic foundation (from race). I talk about this more here: The Three Essentials That Make Legacy-Enduring Societies.

    Without these two other essential pieces—in their proper place—no government system can survive. No matter how strong the system is.

    But there are still “ideals”, and better options when talking about government systems. Especially things that make it easier for the race and faith to maintain itself. Thus, the book still has purpose, albeit in its proper place. The system is not the end-all; but it is still an essential piece of a (successful) nation-state. I added parts to the book to address this new outlook of mine.

    Admittedly, I am not sure I have yet found a permanent system solution in its entirety, but I do believe I have found frameworks and tools that could bring us closer to doing so.

    I did not undertake this task in isolation. I am simply trying to develop further from what was already learned and handed down to us by our ancestors. That is why the entire first part of the book addresses the findings of Western Civilization’s study of anacyclosis.

    The ancients uncovered some pieces to a final solution, which I incorporate. But then I also attempt to drive us further, using lessons we have since learned from the Enlightenment.

    But at the end of the day, I have to accept that this will not yet be a finished, perfect book or political system. As do my readers. But I think it still could be useful in putting it out there for others to read and learn from, so long as I have made that necessary disclaimer.

    Holding on to these ideas as my own does no one else any good, so I have decided to make it public now as I continue to refine it over the years ahead. For example, whatever we learn with the decline of the American Empire will certainly be a useful addition to this work. A decline that will almost certainly happen in our lifetimes.

    So, my intention is that you read this book not as a final work, but as a stepping stone in the direction of overcoming the cycle…If it is indeed possible to overcome it, as our ancestors had sought after so desperately.

    Now, let’s move on to the practical publishing information.

    I have decided to forgo traditional publishing for now. I would rather do so at a later time when I know it is finished and after readers have had the chance to comment and critique it.

    Instead, I’m publishing this book completely for free, chapter by chapter, in article format. Once we are through it all, I will upload it as a PDF to share freely.

    I do not care about making money off this endeavor, so I do not mind sharing it for free. Given the cycle of collapse is already looming in the United States, it’s not likely that USD monopoly money would be worth anything in the future, anyway. So who cares? Getting the information out is more important than anything else to me.

    So I will not be hunting after anyone’s money. Just use the book, learn from it, and disregard the parts that you find I have errors. Take out what you need and leave the rest.

    I will warn you all now that this book is a mammoth. If I were to publish it traditionally, I would be looking at over 900 pages. And if you think that is bad, that is after I edited probably 300 to 400 out. Maybe I have some Russian blood in me or something; they seem to always write way too long as well.

    Either way, it will be completely free and online, so skim it as your heart leads you.

    The bottom line: For the next few months, expect articles that cover parts of the book. I will have them mixed in with normal article postings. At the end, I will compile them and upload the PDF.

    I hope you all can learn something from the years that I’ve put into this research. But I also hope that if you see errors in my methodology or thinking, that you could let me know. This release will be just Version 1.0, of hopefully many stronger versions to come.

    As always, thank you for being a reader here. It is my primary hope you both learn from and find edification through my writing. Hopefully, the book helps even more with that goal.

  • Introducing A New (Old Fashioned) Option: The Quick Read Feed

    Quick Read Feed article introduction header

    Hello to all of my Hidden Dominion readers. 

    This is just a quick article sharing a new update on the website so you can use it if you so choose. 

    I have been working behind the scenes to build an alternative layout option for the site. The end result is what I am calling the ‘quick read feed’ (because I cannot think of a more clever title). 

    Throughout the past year, I have had a few people question how the website is laid out. Usually, the reason this concern is brought up is that the reader asking prefers a more traditional blog layout.

    I.e. A layout where you can read all the most recent articles in order on one page, like most old-fashioned blogs. You still see this kind of layout with a lot of starter blogs (and bloggers who never updated their website from the 90s). 

    I never really liked that layout, so I didn’t go with it when I built the website. But it seems it is a crowd favorite, so it doesn’t matter what I think. Whatever makes it easier for you all to read is what I need to be doing. So I went to work and built the Quick Read Feed.

    Find it here:

    This is a feed that publishes the same articles as the original feed (Hidden Dominion’s homepage). So there’s no different content. It is simply an alternative way to view the website and my articles. 

    Usually, this kind of layout is best for people that only infrequently read the website. That way, they can skim through all the recent articles (in order) pretty quickly without having to click on a bunch of separate articles independently. 

    It’s not great for my SEO, but it is good for the traditional readers that like the old-fashion way of reading blogs.

    If that sounds like you, I hope you consider bookmarking that page instead of our normal homepage. I hope that this feed will be more helpful to you when you do stop by to read the articles.

    Regardless of how you like to read the articles and visit the website, I appreciate you doing so. My goal is that this new method assists you in doing so even better.

    As always, I appreciate your readership. It is great to have you here. 

    God bless and have a great week.

  • On The Jan 6 Pipe Bomb: The Deep State Always Has A Backup Plan

    Jan 6 pipe bomb header

    Now this is some stunning evidence of the deep state in action that we don’t get to see every day:

    New Video Appears to Show DC Police Units Planting a J6 Pipe Bomb

    One of the great mysteries about the January 6, 2021, events is the lack of curiosity by the FBI about who planted the pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters.   Amid all of the available CCTV video and surveillance technology exploited by the justice department, their transparent unwillingness to identify the pipe bomber has always been a dog that did not bark.

    The Occam’s Razor explanation for why DC and federal law enforcement have been incurious, points to law enforcement actually planting the bombs.  New CCTV video seems to show exactly that.

    Shortly after 12:51pm a DC police SUV appears next to the park bench where the pipe bomb was discovered. [Video Below] A man with a bag exits the SUV, points to the bench, pulls up his right coat collar to obscure his face from the camera located across the street, then walks to the bench with the bag.  The “pipe bomb” device allegedly was found at 1:05 p.m. by a plainclothes officer from the Capitol Police.


    NEW: Recently discovered video from Jan 6 shows an individual believed to be police carrying a bag toward the location where “pipe bomb” was found at DNC.

    This is about 15 minutes before another officer “discovered” the device.

    Another shady moment in this unsolved “mystery”

    What a crazy revelation. Right on the nose; out in the open.

    I am sure most of us knew this pipe bomb story was shady already, but it is still incredible to see something so damning now out in the open.

    For comparison, the Feds were able to track down every January 6er with incredible precision and speed. No mercy, and no peace. Not even for ‘ol Grandmas.

    But then suddenly when it came to the pipe bomb, there was just no evidence. No arrest, no witch hunt. Not even really any stories about it.

    Which is crazy if you think about it. The entire narrative surrounding the story was insane. They could’ve spun it that a radical Trumper was trying to blow up the capital (DC). Instead, the Feds just tried to sweep it under the rug.

    But they sure didn’t just ignore a few innocent people casually and peacefully walking inside the capital. Why, oh why, the discrepancy, I wonder?

    Heck, the Fed bastards even triangulated cell phone data and put out financial incentives to rat on each other to capture the Jan 6ers, but apparently it is just too much work to find somebody literally putting a pipe bomb in the capital.

    But now the truth is here. They didn’t try to find them…because they are them.

    (Read My Other Two Major Jan 6 Articles: Remembering Jan 6: The Case Against Ray Epps & January 6th: The Legacy Lives On)

    We all knew the story was sketch from the beginning. But to now see the real reality of it so open is still startling.

    It is pretty clear that this pipe bomb was a failsafe for the deep state.

    This near 100% confirms my suspicion that long before Jan 6 even happened, the Feds wanted a riot in the capital. They wanted it to push forward the fraudulent election results and detract from such brazen electoral fraud.

    So, the Feds concocted a scheme to our misguided guardians to storm the capital. But if that didn’t work, they would go to Plan B, which is blow some s*** up with a pipe bomb.

    Either way, they would get what they wanted. But since the capital was in fact breached, they no longer needed the Plan B pipe bombs. So they hushed up the story and tried to sweep it under the rug.

    Ideally, no one would have even known they had been planted in the first place. But [what I think happened] sadly, for them, a useful idiot cop/non-deep state actor found the pipe bomb.

    Which then threw them through a loop. They had to pretend to be searching for the people that placed it, even though it was themselves. (Luckily, they never caught themselves). I bet they had preferred if no one had ever caught the backup plan. They could have just silently removed it at a later time.

    Personally, I would not be surprised if there was even a third fail safe. From my research into the deep state (and just watching them over the years), it seems like when they are hatching a scheme there are always three ways to skin the cat. It is better for them that way, or else they could have a mishap.

    Given this revelation from Jan 6, we now can clearly see two out of their likely three strategies for that day: 1) Capital Riot and 2) Pipe Bomb. Even your best guess would probably be too soft for whatever they hatched for #3.

    There’s not much we can do with this revelation in terms of practical changes. They will lie and find a way to cover it up as usual.

    But what we can learn is how the deep state operates, an invaluable intangible asset. This is useful for us in the remnant.

    The lesson: The deep state always has a back-up plan. If it ever looks like something was supposed to happen, but doesn’t, and surrounds a major event—it is highly probable that if it would be of benefit to the elites that the deep state was involved in it.

    Likewise, when things like Jan 6 happen, look around at other areas that you would not usually expect. There is likely to be a failsafe somewhere hidden, like a pipe bomb that never truly gets investigated.

    This is useful for us going into the future. Especially with the wars, the economic problems, the bioweapon development, and so on, that is happening all around us lately. Some of these are Plan A. Others are Plan B. But they are all working toward the same end of centralizing worldwide power under our clown world leadership. Recognize this and you will be ahead of 50% of even other dissidents.

    Always keep a vigilant eye. When something happens, look around. Watch. You’ll start to pick up the behavior of the enemy.

    Which is an essential skill for us to have as we go into the future of this corrupt, conquered empire.

    Read Next: Paul Craig Roberts: “America Is Entering End Times”

  • The Beauty Of Solitude

    The Beauty Of Solitude: header

    In an age where we’re more connected than ever, paradoxically, many of us find ourselves feeling more disconnected from ourselves in the process.

    One of the root reasons why, I believe, is because of a lack of solitude.

    Notifications, news, and nonstop data makes it hard for us to have the time to wind down and find peace in our day-to-day life.

    Now, more than ever, it is important to integrate times of solitude into our routines.

    We need times where we have literally nothing to do and zero interruptions.

    I’m talking no phone, no work, no other people even. Just you, alone with your thoughts.

    These kind of times are critical. They help you find out who you truly are and hope you develop truly deep thoughts that are your own.

    It is often in these times of solitude where we grow the most.

    One of the problems with the constant breaking news cycle is that people read things and pick up opinions through others without meditating on the thoughts themselves. There needs to be a time where you are alone—without this flow of information—where you can consciously and objectively review and think about the big questions facing you.

    It is during this time that you are able to develop your true thoughts.

    I believe this is one reason why there are so many normies. There are more than they used to be because there are a lot fewer times of solitude than there used to be.

    The normies just hear and read what they are supposed to believe. They take no time to think of it themselves. Consume all; produce none.

    But many dissidents and conservatives fall into a similar trap. We often get sucked into the alternative news and the constant flow of data, so that we don’t take time to formulate our own thoughts on hot topics of the day. We just regurgitate what we’ve heard from trusted dissident sources.

    This is not good. We need to make sure we are taking time to spend with ourselves. To provide a balance to other dissidents, so we too do not become another hivemind.

    Part of this process needs to be completely alone. Otherwise, we are at risk of external persuasion.

    There are many ways to go about picking a time of solitude for yourself. Some people like to add it in completely new, whereas others like to integrate it with something they already do consistently.

    For example, sometimes I like to go on hikes and just spend the time there with no podcast, music, or anything else. Just my thoughts and the journey ahead.

    Another way I sometimes go is with a vice of your own choosing. Sometimes I’ll smoke a cigar alone and put the phone away in the process. But I know some other people that like to have a drink instead, but the solitude component remains the same.

    My wife does it while gardening. She likes to just get into garden mode and be deep in her thoughts at the same time.

    However, you make it work is up to you. There has to be somewhere in your weekly routine where you can fit it in. All I ask is that you try it.

    For the Christian, part of this solitude practice can also morph/become longform prayer. For instance, on Thursdays I have an extended period of time to hit the weights. I usually spend at least an hour and a half on Thursday for the gym session of the week. I work out at home, so during this time I have nothing on tech-wise and no interruptions. Instead of wasting time consuming more content, I spend that entire time in prayer. Talking to God, praising the past week, making requests, and yielding to the thoughts that arise. These longform prayers are only once a week but have revolutionized my walk with God. And I wouldn’t have found it without setting aside time for solitude.

    Because of how fast pace our modern day is, most of us have lost track of the importance of catching up with ourselves and improving the inner relationship within ourselves and with God. I believe that is a mistake. It is something that we all need to work on. Myself included.

    So if you are not, I encourage you to seek a time of solitude. Even if you can only get away for short 10, 20, 30-minute session at a time once every while.

    I firmly believe you will be astounded at how strongly these times of solitude benefit you.

    Read Next: Obesity: A Moving Monument To A Person’s Failures

  • Paul Craig Roberts: “America Is Entering End Times”

    Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) coming in with another hot take about the End Times of the American Empire (emphasis mine):

    America Is Entering End Times

    Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaigned widely and had massive audiences. Enthusiasm was everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times and no one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016 election, but Biden got more votes than any president in history. Somehow the people elected an invisible candidate.

    In the swing states vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night while truck loads of boxes arrived, some from out of state, in Democrat controlled vote counting centers. The votes were almost entirely for Biden, and when counting resumed, Trump’s lead disappeared.

    The same thing is going to happen this November. Trump supporters, clearly a majority of legitimate voters, think Trump is going to win. Trump voters are energized and enthusiasm is high. Has anyone seen a Trump-sized turnout for Kamala? Trump will again win as he did in 2020, but Democrats count swing state votes, and Kamala will “win.”

    As I have reported, the presstitutes are busy at work building Kamala into a formidable candidate who is in the lead, especially in the swing states. Fake polls are being reported that Kamala is the favorite. No one has explained why American voters want open borders, war with Russia and Iran, LGBT+ celebrated and normalized, white school children taught that they and their parents are racists, and that they could be born into the wrong body.

    As the Democrats have made completely clear, this is what Americans are voting for if they vote for Kamala. Unless the American people are further gone that I think, a majority are not voting for Kamala.

    She will win anyway.

    Biden had to go because the Democrats knew he could not run a close enough race for them to be able to again steal the election. The fact that not even the Democrats wanted Kamala last month has been consigned to the Memory Hole. Kamala is being media-created as one of the strongest presidential candidates in American history.

    Republican fundraisers themselves are playing into the Democrats’ election steal. I get numerous fundraising appeals–even from the usually astute Marjorie Taylor Greene–that Trump might lose because Democrats are raising more money. The opportunistic Republican fundraisers by emphasizing Trump’s possible loss thus support the propaganda spun by the presstitutes that the race is so close that Trump can lose. Only Republicans can be this stupid. With Republican fundraisers agreeing with the presstitutes that the election is a toss up, the election is perfectly set to be stolen.

    And it will be. In the swing states the election theft methods have been legalized.

    Just as Republicans and the American people accepted the thefts of the 2020 and 2022 elections, they will accept the theft of the 2024 election. There will be no civil war or anything of the kind. The American people will have been taught that there is nothing they can do to regain their control over government.


    Go read the rest of the piece if it caught your attention.

    You know, I can’t help but agree with him on the overall election argument, at least. How short are people’s memories? They literally stole the last two elections. What makes anyone think this one won’t be just as rigged?

    I’m not even saying not to vote. I actually encourage voting under certain circumstances. All I am saying is just don’t get your hopes up.

    The only other part of voting disagreement I have is on PCR’s assurance that Kamala will for sure win. That depends on if the deep state actually wants her to win. They might favor Trump to win, which is certainly a possibility. They know who they want to win; we don’t.

    ‘Who knows and who cares?’ are my thoughts on it. Either way, the enemy wins. This election is a no-go. I won’t be wasting my hope on it.

    I have also been hearing a lot more about the “civil war” stuff lately, especially from clearly evil actors like Musk. But reality tells us that there won’t be a civil war. The conditions are not set for such an event here—We are still far too prosperous and stable. We need some hard times before that even becomes a possibility. No one is going to risk their life rioting over just another (third) stolen election. Hell, we barely even had protests after the leading presidential candidate got shot in the head. Good luck with your civil war.

    However, all of these are minor points. Where I strongly disagree with PCR is in his solution, which is to run and hide. Toward the end of the piece, he says:

    My advice to young white heterosexual males is to get out of America while you still can.

    This is the same defeatist, ridiculous argument that other individualists with pathological cowardice harbor. “Run away! Leave your people, your heritage, and all your legacy behind! Just so you can live another few years…maybe”.

    This loser mindset is (truly) deplorable and lacking an eternal Christian perspective or even a secular but civilizational perspective:

    • Christians should be seeking the eternal, not the temporal. This short stint of life here is fleeting and vain. We should not seek to get a few extra years at the expense of our national brothers and sisters—We should fight for them instead. It is a duty of ours to self-sacrifice, no matter what the heresy of modern individualism tells us.
    • But even from a non-Christian “civilization-focused” mindset, this is a retarded take. If your civilization goes down, your kids suffer and you also will as a deracinated White man living under a foreign nation. The reality is that the only condition where you are truly left alone is one where you fight and win.

    Individualism has distorted both the civilization and the eternal mindset. It’s just a bunch of weak men trying so desperately to live their degenerate, self-focused lives for (minorly) longer than someone else. Even though this life is so short for us all. Good luck and enjoy your extra 1-20 years while you watch as the civilization which gave you everything burns. You and your progeny will not be rewarded, honored, or ever cherished for such as a cataclysmic failure that YOU caused.

    Thankfully, our ancestors did not harbor this run-away-individualism mindset that so many White men and women have today, or we would have been decimated centuries ago. We are at risk of that now because of these jackoffs.

    Don’t be a ‘you-know-what’. Stay and fight. Fight until the end. Earn your crown for the next life. This life is short; make it count by doing something that actually matters.

    Related Article: Running To The Woods Won’t Save You

    Running away to a foreign country to live out your days as an individualist recluse with no purpose or people is not honorable: It is pathetic.

    I’m so tired of listening to this hyper-individualist society try to justify its weaknesses as “the smart thing to do”. Or worse, to act like it is the only option.

    Letting two-thousand years of our people’s heritage get engulfed in flames will never be the correct answer. It is only the answer of the weak.

    And the reason why we are in this mess in the first place? Because of weak men like them.

    Read Next: American Births Vs. The Illegal Alien Invasion

  • “Muh Democratic Democracy”

    Democratic Democracy header

    This is a hilarious:

    Democrat primary poll: Kamala last, but now the nominee - democratic democracy meme

    Every primary poll and exit poll conducted by democrats that I have seen for both the 2020 and 2024 election cycle has had similar findings.

    Kamala was almost always dirt-last. But now she is the full nominee.

    The “save our democracy crowd11!!!11!/” are certainly doing great preserving democracy by circumventing their entire voting bloc in choosing their own nominee.

    Well done, democrats. You’ve saved democracy by completely ignoring it.

    Read Next: American Births Vs. The Illegal Alien Invasion

  • ‘Groyper War 2’: Nick Fuentes Declares War Against The Trump Campaign

    Groyper War 2: header

    The “Groypers” (mostly a collection of zoomers who follow Nick Fuentes, but with a few older/other folks tossed in) have declared a second Groyper War against the Trump campaign:

    Groyper War 2 - image 1 tweet by Nicholas J. Fuentes on new Groyper War Declaration
    The X post that started it all.
    Groyper War 2 - image 2 propaganda poster "War Report" by Nicholas J. Fuentes on new Groyper War Declaration
    A propaganda poster about the “War”

    There is a solid article that stays relatively neutral on the declaration from Arktos. You can find it here:

    Saving Trump: Fuentes Declares War on Campaign Leadership

    Yesterday, America First influencer, organiser, and commentator Nicholas J. Fuentes, a rising star in America’s political landscape, made a public declaration of a new ‘Groyper War’ against the current Trump campaign. The announcement quickly trended on social media, sparking widespread discussion and generating headlines across various news outlets.

    Watch the video of Fuentes’ declaration here.

    Given the swift and intense reaction from some well-meaning commentators, it is clear that not everyone fully understands the significance of what is unfolding. This analysis aims to break down and explain the underlying moral and strategic reasons behind Fuentes’ declaration.

    The Trump campaign of 2024, much like his 2020 campaign, is markedly different from its 2016 iteration — unfortunately, this change has been entirely to its detriment. The campaign lacks the energy and rebellious spirit that originally propelled Trump to victory. Instead of rallying the core demographic that secured his 2016 win, the campaign is now more mainstream, pandering to every conceivable group in society except for those who are actually voting for Trump. This shift towards placating fringe special interests rather than focusing on the core issues that resonated with his base has weakened the campaign’s effectiveness and alienated many of his original supporters.

    Fuentes’ strategy of openly challenging the Trump campaign’s leadership and communication strategies is a calculated move with significant potential benefits. By taking this aggressive stance, Fuentes positions himself to claim credit in several potential outcomes. If the campaign stays on its current track and ultimately loses, Fuentes can argue that his criticism was justified and that he predicted the failure. Alternatively, if the Trump campaign makes adjustments in response to his criticism, he can claim that his influence was instrumental in steering the campaign in the right direction. Even if Trump were to win despite sticking to his current strategy, Fuentes could still assert that he and his supporters did everything they could to ensure victory, bolstering their credibility.

    […] (Read More at the link above)

    Pretty quickly after the declaration, the total snake JD Vance condemned Fuentes:

    Vance says he ‘disavows’ Nick Fuentes: ‘A total loser’

    Republican vice presidential candidate, Sen. JD Vance (Ohio), said he “certainly” “disavows” far-right white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who criticized his wife, Usha Vance, for her Indian heritage, while arguing the best response is to “ignore” the attacks.

    Fuentes, who dined at Mar-a-Lago with former President Trump in 2022, went after Vance and his family after he joined the former president’s reelection ticket last month.

    “Who is this guy, really? Do we really expect that the guy who has an Indian wife and named their kid Vivek is going to support white identity?” Fuentes said of Vance last month.

    When asked on CBS News’s “Face the Nation” about the comments, Vance said they “don’t have any room in the MAGA movement.”

    “And of course – and of course Donald Trump has criticized this person. Look, I think the guy’s a total loser. Certainly, I disavow him. But if you ask me what I care more about, is it a person attacking me personally, or is it government policy that discriminates based on race? That’s what I really worry about,” Vance continued. “Is bad government policy that harms people based on their immutable characteristics. Look, a lot of losers are going to attack me and attack my family.”

    I already wrote a piece on JD Vance here. He is and was a horrible choice for VP. These new developments of him hating on dissidents and spending all his time kneeling before Zionist/non-White interests since securing the nomination only further prove my points against him.

    I sympathize with Fuentes here in recognizing that the Trump campaign is headed for disaster and has been completely subverted. Where I disagree is in the implementation of this Groyper War; I.e. in believing that this will make any difference at all. Trump is deep state owned or will be removed. There is no fixing his campaign. He was not pro-White as president before, he won’t be now.

    If Arktos is correct, and Fuentes/Groypers are doing this war to hedge themselves for post-election, then it’s a great strategy. However, if they are genuinely attempting to reform a Trump/Vance ticket…Well, then I wish them luck in their near-hopeless endeavor. You can’t reform what was wicked from the start.

    I sense that the reality going forward is this:

    • Trump/Vance is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Israel.
    • Harris/Walz is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Russia/China.

    Regardless of your vote, you are getting World War 3 and economic decline. It’s just about selecting your preferred pathway to that same outcome, I suppose. Trump will patriotically march your sons and daughters off to war, whereas Harris/Walz will march them off to war with weird transgender monsters holding a gun to their back. Either way, they are off to the bombs.

    And no amount of reform will change that reality. The deep state needs a war. They will get one.

    Not an optimistic prediction, I know. But I am just saying it like I see it.

    By God’s providence, I hope I am wrong and the Groypers are right.

    Read Next: Iran Versus Israel: A Reminder

[NOTE: The Quick Read Feed is limited to a maximum of 10 pages of results to improve performance. We have plenty of older articles outside of this time range that can be found by searching below or heading over to the Post Archive. This section is designed more for active users wanting to view our recent articles in a different fashion, not a review of old pieces.]

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