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Pray For The Young: Worst Housing Affordability Since Recording Began

Searching for a solution where there is only usury. On Housing Affordability.

The Housing Crisis: Worse Than Ever header

It is unimaginable what wickedness that institutions like Blackrock and people who engage in residential housing landlordship are doing to the young. 

Just look at the housing market, for the clearest example. 

This is the worst housing affordability ever on record for this country.

That includes the fabled downturn during the Boomer eras:

Housing Affordability Example 1 - fed reserve bank home ownership affordability monitor index
Housing Affordability Example 2 - housing composite index
Housing Affordability Example 3: salary needed to afford a house by state
Housing Example 4 - Salary to afford a home affordability gap
Example 5 - Chart of NAR Existing home sales

If this does not make your blood boil for our young, you need to get your priorities checked. Or you need to get your head kicked in. One of the two.

Very few things enrage me more than seeing the evil being inflicted on our younger people that have no opportunity to fight back against it. They are being corrupted morally, degenerated physically, and now even exploited/extorted financially. Yet, they don’t know of anything different, so they don’t know what’s happening to them compared to what happened with prior generations. It’s vile.

You know, nobody in the Silent Gen extorted the Boomers with $2000 a month rent payments for a single bedroom shack. Maybe that’s how they were able to get along better…because their older generations weren’t constantly trying to find ways to exploit them to make a quick buck?

Odd concept, I know.

We wouldn’t know what that is like anymore. Even things like Airbnb are a bellwether.

The American Dream is dead. The corporations, residential housing landlords, and greedy real estate speculator pigs have destroyed it for their own selfish gain.

This generation has destroyed the possibility of having a home and a peaceful family for millions. All for money and power. 

Horrible. Inconceivable. Wicked. All of these and more

It’s not like this would be hard to fix. It’s simple. But it’d wreck a lot of old people’s retirement plans and side income opportunities, so it will never happen: How To Fix The Housing Crisis: 3 Steps.

I can’t offer anything to the young as I don’t have the power to do anything. Nothing but my condolences. And my prayers and fighting spirit hoping someday the situation may change. 

Our young are going to grow up in a world and country that we cannot even imagine. Yet, instead of fighting for them, many in the older generations still just seek to make a profit off of their backs. Not only do they not help them, they exploit them for their own gain. Such a sordid state of affairs. Shame on all of them.

All we can ask is that may God pay back to all according to their works.

Oh, and once we get power, let’s make sure this condition can never happen again.

Read Next: The Beauty Of Solitude


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I would like to welcome the rest of the United States to this reality. That is what it is like here on the West Coast for the past ten years. We can’t afford to buy anything and have not been able too for a decade.

    Now, it’s just even worse.

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