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Porn is degenerate. Stop watching it. Adhere to the natural order and free yourself and your relationships.
Those of us on the Right talk often about a “natural order“. Or, in other words, a state of being that is normal, harmonious, moral, and natural.
We seek the natural way to organize a state, a natural way to better ourselves, and a natural way to live our lives.
Porn is a complete inversion to this natural order. It normalizes and demands everything a man’s nature is against.
Let’s consider some examples:
Porn consumption results in the development of a perfect woman in the mind of the male, which makes normal women unattractive. Normal sexual relationships become corrupted and degenerate acts are needed to invoke the same thrill level that can be delivered through porn.
Women don’t want to do these things, but porn-hungry men need them to get off. So, the sexual intimacy declines within the relationship. Both the man and the woman no longer have that connection, being degenerated by pornography. Intimacy is replaced with lust.
The entire idea of watching others have sex is problematic. It likely instills a sense of cuckolding from the onset, or at least a form of submissiveness to the other male in the video. As much as men want to pretend that they imagine themselves in the videos, that’s not how your brain functions. Your brain is viewing you as lower on the pecking order. It is no wonder we have weaker, more effeminate men that coincide with the rise of porn. It is a reduction of the natural order of manhood.
Porn also inverts the natural desire for human elements. Instead of desiring the spiritual, personal connection, the porn user desires the body. This is a lower, degenerated form of the natural relationship.
Use of it also tanks self-discipline and motivation, which impacts everything from productivity to family.
Porn is not normal to humans. It is a quick dopamine fix which, like most quick fixes, is harmful long term. Neither is it moral. It would be hard to argue that watching two people have sex while masturbating in the same room would not qualify as cheating. This is the same, but through video. Infidelity and “soft” adultery are both harmful to families, relationships, and a moral state of being for the participant.
The rise of “incels” is also directly attributed to porn. Porn requires sex to be the main driver as I previously mentioned, which means that men that can’t get it revolve their whole life around it. In times past, this drive would have been around a family instead of self-pleasure. Something that even someone without a wife could achieve. Sex has become the end-all, be-all. When that is not its place within the natural order. Only in a corrupted, degenerated order is this the case.
Porn increases the likelihood of an increase in the expression of the Coolidge Effect. The Coolidge Effect a biological phenomenon seen in animals, whereby males exhibit renewed sexual interest whenever a new female is introduced to have sex with, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners. Men usually demonstrate this much more highly than women.
Nearly every man is tied to the Coolidge Effect, but porn increases it. If you view new women numerous times a day through different videos, it will result in a drop in the desire of sex and the novelty with a consistent partner. This effect is particularly damaging the longer the use of porn goes on.
It will shock a good deal of porn-addicted men, but without porn, you can be just as thrilled to have sex with your wife the next time as you did in the early months. Maybe to a lesser extent from the first few times, but still a much higher drive than comparable to what you experience now due to this effect.
Perhaps the most damaging aspect is that it inverts the natural order of harmony. We see people as tools to be used, like a shovel, instead of as another human being. It has definitely had a negative effect on the unity among people, and especially among the genders.
I was recommended some videos by “Terry Crews” on this topic, who is apparently an actor but I’m not entirely sure and don’t care to find out. He does have a great set of videos on his struggles with porn, however, and I think those addicted would find interest in them. I only watched the first two, but those two are definitely worth watching. The full playlist of seven videos can be found here. The second video (the better of the two, in my opinion), is linked below:
If we, on the dissident Right, desire a return to the natural order, it must first start in ourselves.
A piece of that revival is a rejection of all things that invert the natural order. Porn is a clear-cut one. It is probably the most obvious one that nearly all of us have dealt with at some point.
Remove it from your life. Take baby steps to do so if you are fully addicted. I did a very long time ago and am incredibly glad I did. It made my life better in a multitude of ways, from my relationship, to my self-discipline, to my productivity, to my connection with women, and plenty more.
There is a tremendous benefit to adhering to the natural order. There is a reason we focus on it so much. But you can only realize it by doing it. No amount of discussion will truly show its personal benefits until you try it.
This is one change that your future self will thank you for immensely.
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