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Now most people know that Politifact and Snopes are garbage. But what about Politico? Click here to view our Politico Fact Check Rebuttal.
Now most people know that Politifact and Snopes are garbage. But what about Politico?
Well, sorry to bring the bad news: It’s trash too.
They did a little “fact checking” program to monitor Trump’s First Address to Congress. Naturally, it’s trash. So, pretty much exactly like Politifact and Snopes.
Join me as we take a trip through Politico.
What does a new national pride have to do with his approval ratings, first off? That seems like an irrelevant thing to add to this, especially when you’re claiming to be “fact checking” things.
Secondly, they say very assertively that “this is the lowest level since they launched the poll in 2001. Yeah, lowest point all right. By a few percent less. 52 instead of 55. It’s been dropping a lot recently, ironically enough corresponding with Obama and Bush. Or, maybe not ironically. See below:
Also, nice way to spice up your statistics. Politico only looked at the “extremely proud” section.
You missed this part: “another 29% say they are very proud and 13% moderately proud, meaning the vast majority of U.S. adults express at least a considerable amount of pride in being Americans.”
Also, no one trusts polls anyway. So all of the above is probably fake news.
Consider your “fact check”: false.
The amount of drugs crossing a border may or may not be related to how many drugs are seized.
You said that in your own “fact check”, Politico.
“The precise volume of drugs being smuggled is impossible to know”. Yeah, so why are you giving us a statistic on how much is seized? You can’t prove it either way. But there is one thing we can prove:
Heroin is becoming an epidemic.
Opiate/Heroin usage is increasingly extraordinarily.
Heroin primarily comes from Mexico.
The amount of heroin caught by border agents has been increasing the past five years.
So while overall drugs may not be “peaking”, heroin certainly is. And it isn’t possible to know about the other drugs because of exactly what you said: “it’s impossible to know”. But what we do know is that there is a huge heroin epidemic sweeping this country, and we know it’s coming from Mexico. And they sure aren’t bringing it over legally.
Fact check: misleading
Trump stated that Obamacare caused Arizona’s rates to go up 116% last year. It did. And with fewer care options. Meaning you have fewer options to avoid price increases.
This is a straight up fact. There is no way around it. Everything else Politico writes here is BS. “But it’s only an average” Yeah? So? Prices are going up, and there is ample proof of that everywhere. What’s your point? It still happened. Just because that one single example may be off by +-5% doesn’t mean anything changes to your argument.
Then they talk about “subsidies”. Hey, where do subsidizes come from? Who pays for them?
Yes, some people will bear the full brunt of the price hike. That’s called the premium increases, and tax increases. So we all get hit with either paying for the increased premium or subsidy. Its government bureaucracy at its finest. That’s exactly what Trump is talking about.
Fact check: False
“The number is misleading!”. Give me a break.
The definition of the labor force is someone looking for a job or has a job, IE: employed and unemployed. It doesn’t count people that are not in the job market (Like you say: disabled, home-makers, trust fund kids).
But that’s the whole freaking point of it. It’s called the labor force and not “unemployed” for a reason.
You say:
Many of these people have no intention of actually being part of the job market, so the figure is not the best way to measure the number of people outside the labor force
The sheer stupidity. That is exactly what the labor force measures.
The labor force specifically measures the people that have no intention/ability to be in the job market. That’s how the labor force participation rate is calculated.
Trump said that’s how many are out of the labor force. And he was right. He wasn’t talking about unemployed, or he would have said unemployed.
Please retake ECON 101
Fact check: Moronic.
Ok, so studies by your own sources put the cost at $3T to $6T.
He said “America has spent approximately $6T”.
So it is on the high end of estimates. But it’s not wrong. He was well within the reasonable scope of expense reports.
If you are just fact checking his statements, this would be a 100% true. They’re just finding a way to push their agenda with the story.
Yes, maybe he is going to put more toward the war. But maybe he’ll also take from the EPA and the other stupid regulatory agencies you leftists have created and put that toward our infrastructure. We’ll see as time goes.
But strictly on your “fact check” Politico, I have to rate this one as “misleading”.
I hope this article will give you yet another reason to not trust the media.
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