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Pathological Cowardice - do not fear

Pathological Cowardice: The Final Stage Of Individualism

I have noticed an increasing amount of those on the Right displaying pathological cowardice. We need to break this trend.

Pathological Cowardice - do not fear

On Pathological Cowardice

There is a lot of talk among our side about pathological altruism and its negative effects, but not nearly enough talk about pathological cowardice.


1. Of, relating to, or manifesting behavior that is habitual, maladaptive, and compulsive:

2. compulsive; obsessive

Cowardice (not having fortitude):

1. lack of courage in facing danger, pain, or difficulty

2. Ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain.

This pathological cowardice has been slowly inflicted upon the Right through the subversive dogma of individualism since the Great Degeneration of the “Enlightenment”.

Pathological cowardice manifests itself in the Right through varying avenues—it is not monolithic. The avenues themselves are also not all equal in terms of their damage.

Dissidents are a bit more hardened against this effect, but they are not immune. Even some dissidents are plagued by cowardice. Usually, it’s the younger dissidents who haven’t yet grown out of it (see: The Dissident Life Cycle).

More often, pathological cowardice is exhibited in neocons, individualistic conservatives, the right-leaning within the grey masses, and the like.

There are a few manifestations of this form of cowardice that I will discuss here, but other dissidents could certainly think of more.

The three expressions I will address are escapism, the traitor/hermit, and truth-fleeing manifestations.

Starting with escapism:

Presently, we are in a war for our very existence and many men—even Right-wing men—are profoundly invested or worried about video games, fantasy movies, or sports teams. This is the ultimate form of escapism, to be actively losing your own country and not even thinking or talking about it, instead filling the void with meaningless activities.

These individuals escape because they are afraid to address it in their own capacity in their own life. Because to address it requires risks. It is cowardice to ignore the barbarians attacking the gate of the city; to pretend that somehow you should not be involved. To hide and distract yourself with the activities in the colosseum.

I understand why they do so. It is difficult to accept the magnitude of the situation. It is even harder to believe that you could personally have an impact. But courage and faith can overcome that seemingly imbalanced scale.

I’m not against video games or sports, but there is a time and place for everything—And now is not the time to be engulfed by them. There is a difference between a casual player who uses a tool to relax, and someone that escapes the reality of life through it. You know that as well as I do. This manifestation is targeted at the latter.

The next manifestation of pathological cowardice is the traitor/hermit manifestation. This version is demonstrated through a loner, “Me Me Me”, screw-everyone-else approach to the problem. These people accept the problem and will even talk about it, but then go full psychopathic individualist in response to it. An obvious example is the MGTWW crowd who have issues with some women under modernity, so just give up on 50% of the population altogether.

This manifestation encapsulates the entitled “all about me” people. These are your typical “I’m hiding in the woods when conflict arises” types. While we fight to preserve our existence, try to overcome great evil, and sacrifice much, they intend to hide out in a different country or in the backwoods and somehow proclaim that as the correct solution. They flee like cowards while we stay and fight.

These people are far too afraid to fight, so they run. They then try to twist this into somehow being an “intelligent” response. Hint: if everyone did this, we’d all be destroyed tomorrow, including those hiding in the woods. The only reason these individuals aren’t destroyed yet is because the courageous—like us—stay and fight. Their existence depends on us. Yet, they claim superiority to us. This is typical gamma, pathological cowardice, and projecting behavior.

You see this manifestation often online in the versions of “I fled the country” (often to some dumpster-fire Asian country which is hilarious), “I’m dropping out of society”, or “I have my own land and my own resources. I don’t care what’s happening to everyone else now”. These people are some of the highest cowards who will hoard their own resources in our people’s time of dire need or directly flee and leave us to fight alone.

But make note: If we were to win, these cowards would surely be on the first plane back into our traditional civilization and proclaim they were always on our side. They’d likely even say they somehow fought for it, given the gamma behavior. Stolen valor and all.

There is a very important distinction between waiting for the collapse before one acts and willingly fleeing the battlefield entirely. These people do the latter. Contrast that to waiting, where you can at least partake in some dissident lifestyle strategy.

This manifestation of individualistic corruption is especially dangerous compared to the other two. It is so because they are destroyers of brotherhood; the weakeners of the vanguards. Their proclamations encourage others to not resist while also subverting other dissidents to not want to fight because these individuals abuse their bond and trust.

They are also horrifically idiotic, because they do not seem to realize that if we, the front-liners, are destroyed—They are next. Their woods, their new country, or their resources won’t save them forever. This centralizer quest for hegemony will come for all unless we stop it.

They are about as brave as a man that proudly proclaims leaving his own wife and children to die at the hands of home invaders, because he’s too afraid to fight (the nation is an extended family, after all). The traitorous hermits are no different, but replace their wife and children being slaughtered with the national remnant that depended on them.

Hilariously, in my experience, the traitor hermits will usually also complain about the complacency and complicity of the grey masses, not realizing that they are doing the exact same thing through their apathy and pathological cowardice. The only difference is they are doing so in a narcissistic manner, instead of a blissfully ignorant manner.

The final version worth addressing is the truth-fleeing manifestation. These are the Right-wingers that have the capacity to learn the truth and make the jump to the dissident side, but choose not to out of fear. They are the ones who have seen the truth, know it, but refuse to take the final pill. They are also cowards, because they know the truth is there, lying in wait for them, but they refuse to accept it.

Because they know if they do so, they would have to act upon it. And that provokes anxiety in the hearts of many. Many dissidents likely had this manifestation at some point or another, especially those that have come public with their dissidence. But the truth-fleeing individuals stay here well past a reasonable timeline, and they ignore what they continue to learn around them, so that they can stay blissfully ignorant.

They deny that “spirit of truth,” which is a rejection of a great gift—It is not a curse. You’re not blinded like the masses, so use that power.

Each of these manifestations demonstrates the penultimate effect of individualism (before destruction) on many “men” in Western civilization. That effect is the mental installation of a pathological cowardice that renders them useless.

This pathology does contrast with the pathological violence (also from individualism, but more so the abandonment found within it) that is demonstrated on the other end of the Right-wing spectrum. Both pathologies result from pervasive individualism through the loss of a community, brotherhood, and common bond with their people. One manner results in lashing out (pathological violence) while the other results in withdrawal (pathological cowardice). Both stem from that loss of community/nation/family forced under individualism.

I hope the people afflicted with pathological cowardice will eventually come to love their own countrymen in the correct capacity, which will alleviate them of their disease and give them the courage they need to stand and fight. All we can do is show them the error of their ways and hope for progress.

If everyone picks up escapism, runs away, or avoids the truth, we’ll certainly be getting annihilated within the next decade or so. That destruction includes every one of these pathological cowards, whether or not they realize it.

A fix will not come quick for these individuals. They don’t realize that they are under a similar spell as the leftists, just one specifically targeted to their mindset. Breaking it would be akin to breaking the pathological altruism of the leftists. It’s ingrained so deep that it is incredibly hard to snap them out of it.

But we are called to do all we can to free them from their chains. You can start by sending them this article when you find them.

Read Next: The Dissident Life Cycle


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. You’re never going to fight. You just want some other sucker to take the first move on your behalf. Then you can decide whether or not you actually have the courage to follow their example or (more likely) stab him in the back for good goy points.

    Moving away from the people who shit on you and away from big-talking cowards who will sell you out the moment their master looks at them cross-eyed is the only sensible solution.

    I will be enjoying your decline from afar.

    • This is a textbook example of what I just described above as a traitor/hermit. It includes everything: projection, fear, and lack of long-term foresight in only a few sentences. Bravo for apparently having zero self-reflection.

      A rebuttal, for future reader’s benefit, since you are certainly a lost cause:

      • “You’re never going to fight”. – This is clearly projection, since you ran. I already am fighting. Probably not how you would prefer (fedpost/violence), but I am doing exactly what I think will aid my people (community, assisting a gov in waiting, developing a new system, blogging/building alternatives for years, loving my people, building a traditional family, etc). I didn’t run like a pathetic coward, and even if all I did was to stay and lie in wait, it would be better than you.
      • “stab him in the back”/”big-talking cowards who will sell you out”: All fear. No bravery.
      • “Moving away is the only sensible solution”. – I address this in the article. Running away is idiotic. It won’t save you, nor your people. It is both selfish and shortsighted.
      • “I will be enjoying your decline from afar.” – And while you have hate in your heart and want to see evil done to your own people, I will love my people and fight for them as long as God allows.

      I remain completely fascinated that people like this will run away but then still come and complain in comment sections across a multitude of websites. You ran away; you left the battlefield. Just go. Why must they keep returning? But just like the trannys, the wicked must encourage even more wicked to form.

      To my other traditionalists, Christians, and dissidents: Don’t let these traitors brainwash you. It’s all lies and pathological cowardice.

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