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Our Poisonous Public Drinking Water

Come get your poison on tap.

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Poison In The Public Drinking Water

In my article, How To Destroy The Health Of The Nation, I mentioned public drinking water as one of the many culprits in the cascade of problems brought about in recent years regarding the health of our people.

It did not take long for even more evidence to come out since I wrote that article. This time in relation to the public drinking water additive, fluoride:

Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

America the Fluoridated (Part 8)

A groundbreaking federal lawsuit could ban fluoride from drinking water, overturning a decades-long program aimed at preventing cavities that has been challenged by mounting evidence of harm.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Toxic Substances Control Act in 2017, and it appears to be nearing its conclusion. Under the act, citizens can challenge the EPA in court when the agency rejects a petition to ban or regulate a toxic substance. The FAN’s suit is the first in the 44-year history of the act to actually get to trial.

The lawsuit has included pointed testimony from leading experts on environmental toxins and admissions from both EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials that fluoride could be linked to specific harms. The lawsuit has also revealed government interference in crucial scientific findings.


The lawsuit has brought attention to new research that links fluoride exposure to damaging neurodevelopment effects, concerns that have sometimes been deemed conspiracy theories.

“Opposition to fluoridation is now at least 70 years old, but for most of that time has been wrongly dismissed as a fringe and unscientific position,” FAN’s executive director, Paul Connett, said in a statement.

“The rapidly emerging science on developmental neurotoxicity, especially loss of IQ from early life exposure to fluoride, is a game-changer.

Many of the most important science on fluoride has come via research funded with millions of dollars by the National Institutes of Health.

Some of that research has concluded that “the risk to children is too great to consider water fluoridation safe,” Connett said.

Read the whole thing if you are interested. I also recommend the entire series, as this is their eighth installment on the fluoride question.

For those not wanting to read the full series but still want the cliff notes, check out Part 4 – Health Effects of Fluoride: The Science and Part 5 – New Studies Link Fluoride to Reduced IQ and ADHD in Children. Those are the two big ones, minus this new one (Part 8) that reveals that the authorities purposefully lied about the effects of fluoride.

These three articles will sufficiently get you caught up to the “they are putting poison in the tap water” position with only a ten-minute time investment.

Many dissidents talk about how the ruling class hates us, but then they ignore stuff like this as conspiracies. If they truly hate us, why wouldn’t they do this to us? Everyone already knows they do far worse with the food and the vaccines. This is minor in comparison. Just another additive to mess with us and make us more complacent and docile.

they that hate you shall reign over you

Leviticus 26:17

While the rulers know the damage their additives cause, their useful idiots (dentists) may not. But that does not excuse them.

At any point in time throughout history, the “experts” and the public have been wrong about most of the stuff they believe in. This is a stable trend throughout history. It is true whether it’s that cigarettes are not bad for you, the sun revolves around the earth, we can “bleed” people to health, the ice caps will be melted by 2012, men in dress are women, or some other absolutely ludicrous statement.

Pick a time period and a country and I guarantee you can find at least a dozen things they believed incorrectly within an hour. It is easy to do.

But you will be hard-pressed to expect the experts of that time to look into it. Just like our experts now will not go against the prevailing consensus, which is that fluoride in the tap water is fine because the ruling class who hates them said so.

The experts do not have time because they are too busy giving methpipes to homeless people, and other similar tasks. Because that also is “good for public health” (à la risk reduction, apparently).

The simple reality is if the majority believes it, you better question it.

Our public drinking water is no exception.

The problem is, for people that have been drinking it their entire life, they may already be too brain-damaged from the fluoride to be able to research it.

Hopefully that is not you, my dear reader.

Read Next: The Mandelbrot Set: Exploring The Mind Of God


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. I dismissed this as a conspiracy theory for many years. I still don’t know for certain that there is a harm. However I wonder how comfortable people would feel if we weren’t fluoridating water and it was proposed today. I can’t imagine that it would get done at least to the scale it is now in the US. I would certainly be against it if only based on the precautionary principle.

    • I dismissed this as a conspiracy theory for many years.

      I was there not long ago, as well. It is wild how far down this rabbit hole goes once you start down the journey of finding out the truth about our current situation.

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