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Democratic, totalitarian, socialist, or anarchic. Those are our current choices for governmental systems. But do we have to be this limited?
Put aside the spin-offs and copycat forms of governmental systems. What are we left with?
Pretty much four options:
I’m not talking theoretical. Strictly practical governmental systems.
Realistically, those are the options we have.
Pure anarchy is mostly imaginary and has throughout history always been overtaken rather quickly. The states engulfed in anarchy that weren’t overtaken rapidly were… well, not super fun states to be in [1]. Most were ruled by gangs and other violent actors. Not exactly an ideal state for anyone not trying to be a bandit.
Totalitarianism shouldn’t even really need mention due to ample historical evidence of its failures. Fascism couldn’t even survive past one dictator, communism resulted in the genocide of millions, and any other form of supreme control by one individual or small cabal of individuals has rarely resulted in long-term sustainability or happiness for a nation.
Now we could turn our attention toward socialism. There is an inherent incentive problem in socialism that results in fiscal disarray over time. Socialism also rewards bad actors while harming good contributors. The state nationalization of all industries and means of production just does not offer a strong outlook for the nation’s economic well-being or the freedom of the individual.
So we’re left with the more democratic styles of government which are plagued with sustainability issues. We’ve seen it in Rome, in Germany, in nearly every late-stage capitalist state and we’re seeing it in America too. We clearly see the same traits repeat themselves in these nations such as cultural degeneracy, moral decadence, gender issues, degeneration of women, elitism, the gradual shifting of values, and the inevitable collapse.
When looking at this list it is clear that the democratic forms are the best options out of a poor list of choices. I personally would rather start out strong and then degrade rather than starting out in chains or in poverty. But still, I accept that we would degrade to those chains regardless of which governmental system we started with.
Yet, why can’t we change that? Why can’t we make a governmental system that is a sustainable alternative? It is not as if these 4 systems are the only 4 systems we could ever possibly have as a species. We have room for alternatives.
When we come together and collectively realize that the cycle of collapse will lead to the downfall of all of these types of government, we can finally justify a diversion away from the pillars of modern governmental systems.
In short, that’s what we want to do. We have plenty of data and evidence to provide examples of what works and what doesn’t. Let’s build a different governmental system altogether that is sustainable, free, but without the issues plaguing the modern democratic forms.
That’s what we are doing. We’ve titled it Enclavism and you can read a brief overview of Enclavism here.
If no other system will work long-term due to the cycle of collapse then we need to build a framework that will. Just as science and technology progress, so too should our governmental frameworks. The old systems have demonstrably failed. It’s time for a new one.
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