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How do they mold your opinions? How do they break the strong? A lengthy article on the subversive operations of moles and distortioners.
In my first opinion-molding article, I addressed paid shills and their online crusades. We talked about how they change the narrative and dialogue amongst figures on all sides of the political spectrum.
In this article, I want to address the opinion-molding operations used by other noteworthy actors, principally moles and “distortioners” (as I’ve been calling them).
Moles are already relatively well-understood. They are hidden informants that give up sensitive internal information.
They are notorious in the dual–party apparatus. Anything said in a political light should be said as though it was public. Anything said in private must be said as if it were in public. Between moles and wire-tapping devices, there is no secrecy anymore. Not unless it resides only within you.
The distortioners are another beast entirely. Moles are bad; these guys are worse. They are shills with fangs.
Distortioners are:
While shills are
What’s the advantage of doing this?
Well, simply, to make it look like our side is crazy. To make it look like we believe in conspiracy theories, that our positions aren’t valid because of a few crazy statements, and to (you guessed it) distort the public perception against our favor.
Distortioners are likely similar in stature to shills: they are almost certainly planted purposefully and paid to do so.
The problem is, shills are easy to spot and disregard. Whereas distortioners are more easily hidden. They can even infect the minds of very reputable agents on our side. They can impact the hivemind in ways that shills cannot. Distortioners change the very mindset and narrative of our own team.
It can be difficult to fully understand the scope of the issue without some examples. So let’s use an easy, recent one.
The Myanmar military has conducted a coup because of massive election fraud from their highest political figures.
To put it short, the political elite in Myanmar did the same thing the US did. They committed fraud, denied to hear any evidence of it, and then said “better luck next time” while shutting down all discourse surrounding the topic.
The difference between the two nations? The Myanmar military didn’t allow it. They arrested the politicians and are demanding an investigation. Much to the delight of the average Myanmar citizen.
Now, this right here is an obvious news story for a distortioner to attack. It is an essential one to target.
Why? Because its validity draws reasonable parallels to the US situation and could make the average citizen further doubt the US response to massive election fraud internally.
So what do the distortioners do? They sneakily join our side and plant easily-debunked false flag “positions”. They present false flag ideas that are similar to the original issue being addressed that can then be easily debunked, therefore discrediting the original issue position.
How does this work exactly? One such obvious example is the distortioners spread the idea that Dominion and SmartMatic machines were used in Myanmar. The distortioners then went to their media buddies and said “Hey, debunk this”.
And it was easy to debunk. Because they didn’t use those machines. Obviously. But, to the average right-leaning individual, it’s not too far outside the realm of possibilities. No one is going to fact check every single thing they read, so some sneakily placed items such as these pass through the filter. It gets shared by a few select individuals (many of whom are likely also distortioners) and then it’s big news. Then the media swoops in and “debunks” it. Making them appear as heros and everyone that doubts anything about the official narrative about the Myanmar election fraud as conspiracy theorists that have been debunked. Even for reasonable, justifiable issues brought up. They all get lumped in under the debunked conspiracy umbrella.
It makes leftists feel intellectually superior and it makes right-leaning individuals uncertain about their actual positions. So, this was a perfect distortion attempt.
How do we know it wasn’t from our side? I’ve been watching this trend for years now. After awhile, it becomes obvious spotting a distortioner. This has all the red flags of one. First, anyone on our side that would have brought up this critique would have had an initial source that sparked the thought. There was no evidence of this, thus the initial spark could have only been provided by a distortioner. Second, anyone spreading this idea could have done a very basic check to see if those machines were used in Myanmar. It wasn’t hard data to find. No one on our side would put in effort without some form of evidence, in which there clearly was absolutely none. Third, no one on our side serves to gain by lying about it, thus a “moral lie” would not have occurred here. There is no benefit from this misinformation for our side. Fourth, it could not have spread as fast as it did without a coordinated effort by a group of distortioners and a complicit media. Nearly every media group had a response for it pegged immediately, the next day.
As much as I hate distortioners, this was a great victory for them. It resulted in the following:
All this news story did was provide a very clear-cut method to distort the narrative and return it to their stranglehold. This is why if you look up Myanmar right now on Google, all that shows up is “Fact check, Dominion, Fact Check, Electronic Voting Machines, Fact Check…”.
Now, because of the distortion attempt, they control this narrative yet again. While it was temporarily lost in favor of the general public and their justifiable electoral grievances.
The “debunking” done by the media and fact checkers is not just regularly false but is regularly utilized as a massive distortioner tool. This is the perfect example of that.
It is important to remember that these agents operate on every single news story you see.
This is why it is so hard for a decentralized group to fight a centralized group. These shills, the media, the distortioners, the moles, the political class, the financial elite, and everyone else in this group that you are not in are centralized together against you. Against us. While all of us are decentralized and at-risk for distortioners.
They have centralized news, agents, and institutions. Distortioners can’t exist within them because of that fact. Decentralized avenues are the only ones at risk of distortion. We can’t vet every single individual within the community as they can.
They know they can infiltrate us easily, while it’s nearly impossible for us to do the same to them.
Instances of this effect were also evident in the mess that was the 2020 election. Distortioners blew crazy, conspiratorial stories up out of nowhere. Then, their centralized agents (media, big med, etc) tore them apart. They created enough nonsense stories that now it’s taboo to even openly discuss the election fraud because they created a strong enough of a reaction to it in the first place.
In effect, they are setting up a dummy just to have their own team knock it down. Because it makes them look good.
Additionally, distortioners are everywhere in every single COVID discussion. Distortioners push the idea that the vaccine is going to kill you or destroy your germline. This is a clear example of distortioner tactics. It draws people away from the actual reasons that the vaccine is stupid (It’s led by an evil Big Pharma which serves to profit hundreds of millions off of it, it is long-term untested, an mRNA vaccine is not the same as a flu shot, the death rates for COVID are notoriously low for most age-groups not warranting a shot being needed, herd immunity can be achieved through regular infection of the cold virus, all of the data given by the CDC and related “experts has turned out wrong, etc).
But they don’t want to debate those. They want to fact check the “Dead baby injections in your arm” and the “nurse dies instantly after taking vaccine”. Both arguments that were obviously designed by distortioners to be used as bulletfodder against actual grievances.
Because then we look crazy, instead of properly informed and airing reasonable complaints.
An even further example is the Q Shaman guy at the Jan 6 protest. Millions of Americans turned out to peacefully protest and demand election integrity. Then you have dipshits like this guy that ran up and spoke directly with media sources about secret military intelligence from a random internal source named Q that’s going to take down a secret cabal of satanists.
Guess who benefits from that? Hint: It sure as shit is not us. It’s the centralizers. The distortioners and their handlers. They no longer have to talk to the millions of peaceful Americans that want election integrity. They just have to shut everything down because of the two distortioners that spread enough misinformation to warrant a high-handed response. All of the millions of reasonable protestors are lumped into the distortioner-controlled bucket and summarily ignored.
Distortioners need to be pointed out at every corner. They need to be called out, shut down, and removed from positions of trusted influence. Individuals in positions of trust that fall prey to the misinformation need to be reprimanded and educated on distortioners so they will be more careful next time.
So if you see people out there acting as a distortioner or being duped by them, send them this article. Help them or the people being tricked by them to learn. The more they can recognize this behavior, the better we can fight against it.
The first step to beating this constant cycle of political narrative shifting is recognizing that there are thousands of people that are paid a salary and benefits package to be a distortioner. They exist and are constantly moving the narrative goalpost of our decentralized communities. You have to constantly be vigilant of their impact and false flags.
They are a very powerful force. And until our side starts to recognize their involvement, we will keep being prey to their actions.
Moles, distortioners, and shills work in unison. The moles provide information relating to the original position to the distortioners who then present false flag ideas based off of the information. The institutions then use the distortioners to discredit the original agents. Finally, shills come out to degrade and disrupt the conversation of anyone discussing the original position using the institutions as evidence. It’s all a chain. It all works together.
Our people generally are getting a grasp on shills. It’s time we likewise address the larger threat: the distortioners.
Read Part 3: The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 3: Wumao Examples
Read Next:
The Covert Opinion-Molding Operations
Evil Fears The Truth: On Censorship
Follow The Money: Who Profits Off Of COVID?
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