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Please tell me again why universities should be allowed to receive foreign donations? In what world is this a good idea?
Congress is demanding that universities start spitting out some information regarding their foreign “donations”:
Congress wrote to the nation’s top universities on Monday demanding they hand over all records of donations they have accepted from foreign governments and rogue regimes, citing concerns that the multimillion-dollar gifts are a growing national security threat, The Post can reveal.
The letters obtained by The Post were sent to the presidents of six of the country’s leading colleges — including Harvard, NYU and Yale — after a Department of Education investigation this year found American universities had accepted $6.4 billion of hidden foreign donations.
Lawmakers said they were troubled by the fact that governments like Qatar classified their donations to US colleges as “trade secrets” — banning the recipient from disclosing the nature or sum of the gift, as required by US law.
They said they were also briefed in May by Education Department officials who held “concerns about this level of [colleges’] dependency on foreign funding from adversarial states and the inherent national security risks,” the letters said.
The institutions have accepted tens of millions of dollars worth of gifts or contracts from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia, according to DOE records, raising concerns about foreign influence and spying in the US higher education system. Since 2015, Harvard University has declared 31 gifts or contracts totaling $101 million from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia.
American universities under investigation by the Education Department have repeatedly tried to conceal their ties to China, refusing to hand over documents detailing cash and other gifts from the Communist nation, or aggressively labeling them “confidential,” one attorney for the department told lawmakers in May.
And then we wonder why our universities are breeding grounds for Marxist thought and socialist policies.
I can’t fault the other nations. If I were playing the geopolitical chess game and some nation left their entire educational system open as a blind spot, of course I would capitalize on it. And it is painfully obvious to everyone paying attention that Foreign Nations Have The Most To Gain From American Domestic Unrest.
I blame the idiots in our school system and government that didn’t recognize this as a blind spot for over four decades.
More and more of our citizens are attending tertiary education. Yet, more and more of our citizens can’t think for themselves.
Oh, how could we ever establish a connection between the two?
Not to forget that now the universities have become even more bloated and even more dependent on these foreign cash “gifts” to stay afloat. An amazingly easy way to exert control over a foreign institution. It’s almost like a war without soldiers. Or a colonization attempt without the ships.
The answer is simple: foreign donations, of any kind, should be 100% banned. No cash, no gifts, no loans, no financing, no research funding, nothing.
Any institution that breaches it should immediately lose all public funding and student loan availability.
No good can come from foreign nations meddling in the education of our kids. If you’ve opened your eyes, then you’ve already seen the bad that does come from it.
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